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/*! * dist/inputmask * https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2021 Robin Herbots * Licensed under the MIT license * Version: 5.0.7 */ !function(e, t) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module) module.exports = t(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t); else { var i = t(); for (var a in i) ("object" == typeof exports ? exports : e)[a] = i[a]; } }(self, (function() { return function() { "use strict"; var e = { 8741: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; var i = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement); t.default = i; }, 3976: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; var a, n = (a = i(5581)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }; var r = { _maxTestPos: 500, placeholder: "_", optionalmarker: [ "[", "]" ], quantifiermarker: [ "{", "}" ], groupmarker: [ "(", ")" ], alternatormarker: "|", escapeChar: "\\", mask: null, regex: null, oncomplete: function() {}, onincomplete: function() {}, oncleared: function() {}, repeat: 0, greedy: !1, autoUnmask: !1, removeMaskOnSubmit: !1, clearMaskOnLostFocus: !0, insertMode: !0, insertModeVisual: !0, clearIncomplete: !1, alias: null, onKeyDown: function() {}, onBeforeMask: null, onBeforePaste: function(e, t) { return "function" == typeof t.onBeforeMask ? t.onBeforeMask.call(this, e, t) : e; }, onBeforeWrite: null, onUnMask: null, showMaskOnFocus: !0, showMaskOnHover: !0, onKeyValidation: function() {}, skipOptionalPartCharacter: " ", numericInput: !1, rightAlign: !1, undoOnEscape: !0, radixPoint: "", _radixDance: !1, groupSeparator: "", keepStatic: null, positionCaretOnTab: !0, tabThrough: !1, supportsInputType: [ "text", "tel", "url", "password", "search" ], ignorables: [ n.default.BACKSPACE, n.default.TAB, n.default["PAUSE/BREAK"], n.default.ESCAPE, n.default.PAGE_UP, n.default.PAGE_DOWN, n.default.END, n.default.HOME, n.default.LEFT, n.default.UP, n.default.RIGHT, n.default.DOWN, n.default.INSERT, n.default.DELETE, 93, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 0, 229 ], isComplete: null, preValidation: null, postValidation: null, staticDefinitionSymbol: void 0, jitMasking: !1, nullable: !0, inputEventOnly: !1, noValuePatching: !1, positionCaretOnClick: "lvp", casing: null, inputmode: "text", importDataAttributes: !0, shiftPositions: !0, usePrototypeDefinitions: !0, validationEventTimeOut: 3e3, substitutes: {} }; t.default = r; }, 7392: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; t.default = { 9: { validator: "[0-9\uff10-\uff19]", definitionSymbol: "*" }, a: { validator: "[A-Za-z\u0410-\u044f\u0401\u0451\xc0-\xff\xb5]", definitionSymbol: "*" }, "*": { validator: "[0-9\uff10-\uff19A-Za-z\u0410-\u044f\u0401\u0451\xc0-\xff\xb5]" } }; }, 253: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = function(e, t, i) { if (void 0 === i) return e.__data ? e.__data[t] : null; e.__data = e.__data || {}, e.__data[t] = i; }; }, 3776: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.Event = void 0, t.off = function(e, t) { var i, a; function n(e, t, n) { if (e in i == !0) if (a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(e, n, !1) : a.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + e, n), "global" === t) for (var r in i[e]) i[e][r].splice(i[e][r].indexOf(n), 1); else i[e][t].splice(i[e][t].indexOf(n), 1); } function r(e, a) { var n, r, o = []; if (e.length > 0) if (void 0 === t) for (n = 0, r = i[e][a].length; n < r; n++) o.push({ ev: e, namespace: a && a.length > 0 ? a : "global", handler: i[e][a][n] }); else o.push({ ev: e, namespace: a && a.length > 0 ? a : "global", handler: t }); else if (a.length > 0) for (var l in i) for (var s in i[l]) if (s === a) if (void 0 === t) for (n = 0, r = i[l][s].length; n < r; n++) o.push({ ev: l, namespace: s, handler: i[l][s][n] }); else o.push({ ev: l, namespace: s, handler: t }); return o; } if (u(this[0]) && e) { i = this[0].eventRegistry, a = this[0]; for (var o = e.split(" "), l = 0; l < o.length; l++) for (var s = o[l].split("."), c = r(s[0], s[1]), f = 0, d = c.length; f < d; f++) n(c[f].ev, c[f].namespace, c[f].handler); } return this; }, t.on = function(e, t) { function i(e, i) { n.addEventListener ? n.addEventListener(e, t, !1) : n.attachEvent && n.attachEvent("on" + e, t), a[e] = a[e] || {}, a[e][i] = a[e][i] || [], a[e][i].push(t); } if (u(this[0])) for (var a = this[0].eventRegistry, n = this[0], r = e.split(" "), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var l = r[o].split("."), s = l[0], c = l[1] || "global"; i(s, c); } return this; }, t.trigger = function(e) { if (u(this[0])) for (var t = this[0].eventRegistry, i = this[0], a = "string" == typeof e ? e.split(" ") : [ e.type ], r = 0; r < a.length; r++) { var l = a[r].split("."), s = l[0], c = l[1] || "global"; if (void 0 !== document && "global" === c) { var f, d, p = { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, detail: arguments[1] }; if (document.createEvent) { try { if ("input" === s) p.inputType = "insertText", f = new InputEvent(s, p); else f = new CustomEvent(s, p); } catch (e) { (f = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(s, p.bubbles, p.cancelable, p.detail); } e.type && (0, n.default)(f, e), i.dispatchEvent(f); } else (f = document.createEventObject()).eventType = s, f.detail = arguments[1], e.type && (0, n.default)(f, e), i.fireEvent("on" + f.eventType, f); } else if (void 0 !== t[s]) if (arguments[0] = arguments[0].type ? arguments[0] : o.default.Event(arguments[0]), arguments[0].detail = arguments.slice(1), "global" === c) for (var h in t[s]) for (d = 0; d < t[s][h].length; d++) t[s][h][d].apply(i, arguments); else for (d = 0; d < t[s][c].length; d++) t[s][c][d].apply(i, arguments); } return this; }; var a, n = s(i(600)), r = s(i(9380)), o = s(i(4963)), l = s(i(8741)); function s(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function u(e) { return e instanceof Element; } t.Event = a, "function" == typeof r.default.CustomEvent ? t.Event = a = r.default.CustomEvent : l.default && (t.Event = a = function(e, t) { t = t || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 }; var i = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return i.initCustomEvent(e, t.bubbles, t.cancelable, t.detail), i; }, a.prototype = r.default.Event.prototype); }, 600: function(e, t) { function i(e) { return i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, i(e); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = function e() { var t, a, n, r, o, l, s = arguments[0] || {}, u = 1, c = arguments.length, f = !1; "boolean" == typeof s && (f = s, s = arguments[u] || {}, u++); "object" !== i(s) && "function" != typeof s && (s = {}); for (;u < c; u++) if (null != (t = arguments[u])) for (a in t) n = s[a], r = t[a], s !== r && (f && r && ("[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(r) || (o = Array.isArray(r))) ? (o ? (o = !1, l = n && Array.isArray(n) ? n : []) : l = n && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(n) ? n : {}, s[a] = e(f, l, r)) : void 0 !== r && (s[a] = r)); return s; }; }, 4963: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; var a = l(i(600)), n = l(i(9380)), r = l(i(253)), o = i(3776); function l(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var s = n.default.document; function u(e) { return e instanceof u ? e : this instanceof u ? void (null != e && e !== n.default && (this[0] = e.nodeName ? e : void 0 !== e[0] && e[0].nodeName ? e[0] : s.querySelector(e), void 0 !== this[0] && null !== this[0] && (this[0].eventRegistry = this[0].eventRegistry || {}))) : new u(e); } u.prototype = { on: o.on, off: o.off, trigger: o.trigger }, u.extend = a.default, u.data = r.default, u.Event = o.Event; var c = u; t.default = c; }, 9845: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.ua = t.mobile = t.iphone = t.iemobile = t.ie = void 0; var a, n = (a = i(9380)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }; var r = n.default.navigator && n.default.navigator.userAgent || "", o = r.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0 || r.indexOf("Trident/") > 0, l = "ontouchstart" in n.default, s = /iemobile/i.test(r), u = /iphone/i.test(r) && !s; t.iphone = u, t.iemobile = s, t.mobile = l, t.ie = o, t.ua = r; }, 7184: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = function(e) { return e.replace(i, "\\$1"); }; var i = new RegExp("(\\" + [ "/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "$", "^" ].join("|\\") + ")", "gim"); }, 6030: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.EventHandlers = void 0; var a, n = i(8711), r = (a = i(5581)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }, o = i(9845), l = i(7215), s = i(7760), u = i(4713); function c(e, t) { var i = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; if (!i) { if (Array.isArray(e) || (i = function(e, t) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return f(e, t); var i = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); "Object" === i && e.constructor && (i = e.constructor.name); if ("Map" === i || "Set" === i) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i)) return f(e, t); }(e)) || t && e && "number" == typeof e.length) { i && (e = i); var a = 0, n = function() {}; return { s: n, n: function() { return a >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[a++] }; }, e: function(e) { throw e; }, f: n }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var r, o = !0, l = !1; return { s: function() { i = i.call(e); }, n: function() { var e = i.next(); return o = e.done, e; }, e: function(e) { l = !0, r = e; }, f: function() { try { o || null == i.return || i.return(); } finally { if (l) throw r; } } }; } function f(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var i = 0, a = new Array(t); i < t; i++) a[i] = e[i]; return a; } var d = { keydownEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = t.opts, a = t.dependencyLib, c = t.maskset, f = this, d = a(f), p = e.keyCode, h = n.caret.call(t, f), v = i.onKeyDown.call(this, e, n.getBuffer.call(t), h, i); if (void 0 !== v) return v; if (p === r.default.BACKSPACE || p === r.default.DELETE || o.iphone && p === r.default.BACKSPACE_SAFARI || e.ctrlKey && p === r.default.X && !("oncut" in f)) e.preventDefault(), l.handleRemove.call(t, f, p, h), (0, s.writeBuffer)(f, n.getBuffer.call(t, !0), c.p, e, f.inputmask._valueGet() !== n.getBuffer.call(t).join("")); else if (p === r.default.END || p === r.default.PAGE_DOWN) { e.preventDefault(); var m = n.seekNext.call(t, n.getLastValidPosition.call(t)); n.caret.call(t, f, e.shiftKey ? h.begin : m, m, !0); } else p === r.default.HOME && !e.shiftKey || p === r.default.PAGE_UP ? (e.preventDefault(), n.caret.call(t, f, 0, e.shiftKey ? h.begin : 0, !0)) : i.undoOnEscape && p === r.default.ESCAPE && !0 !== e.altKey ? ((0, s.checkVal)(f, !0, !1, t.undoValue.split("")), d.trigger("click")) : p !== r.default.INSERT || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || void 0 !== t.userOptions.insertMode ? !0 === i.tabThrough && p === r.default.TAB ? !0 === e.shiftKey ? (h.end = n.seekPrevious.call(t, h.end, !0), !0 === u.getTest.call(t, h.end - 1).match.static && h.end--, h.begin = n.seekPrevious.call(t, h.end, !0), h.begin >= 0 && h.end > 0 && (e.preventDefault(), n.caret.call(t, f, h.begin, h.end))) : (h.begin = n.seekNext.call(t, h.begin, !0), h.end = n.seekNext.call(t, h.begin, !0), h.end < c.maskLength && h.end--, h.begin <= c.maskLength && (e.preventDefault(), n.caret.call(t, f, h.begin, h.end))) : e.shiftKey || i.insertModeVisual && !1 === i.insertMode && (p === r.default.RIGHT ? setTimeout((function() { var e = n.caret.call(t, f); n.caret.call(t, f, e.begin); }), 0) : p === r.default.LEFT && setTimeout((function() { var e = n.translatePosition.call(t, f.inputmask.caretPos.begin); n.translatePosition.call(t, f.inputmask.caretPos.end); t.isRTL ? n.caret.call(t, f, e + (e === c.maskLength ? 0 : 1)) : n.caret.call(t, f, e - (0 === e ? 0 : 1)); }), 0)) : l.isSelection.call(t, h) ? i.insertMode = !i.insertMode : (i.insertMode = !i.insertMode, n.caret.call(t, f, h.begin, h.begin)); t.ignorable = i.ignorables.includes(p); }, keypressEvent: function(e, t, i, a, o) { var u = this.inputmask || this, c = u.opts, f = u.dependencyLib, d = u.maskset, p = u.el, h = f(p), v = e.keyCode; if (!(!0 === t || e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || u.ignorable)) return v === r.default.ENTER && u.undoValue !== u._valueGet(!0) && (u.undoValue = u._valueGet(!0), setTimeout((function() { h.trigger("change"); }), 0)), u.skipInputEvent = !0, !0; if (v) { 44 !== v && 46 !== v || 3 !== e.location || "" === c.radixPoint || (v = c.radixPoint.charCodeAt(0)); var m, g = t ? { begin: o, end: o } : n.caret.call(u, p), k = String.fromCharCode(v); k = c.substitutes[k] || k, d.writeOutBuffer = !0; var y = l.isValid.call(u, g, k, a, void 0, void 0, void 0, t); if (!1 !== y && (n.resetMaskSet.call(u, !0), m = void 0 !== y.caret ? y.caret : n.seekNext.call(u, y.pos.begin ? y.pos.begin : y.pos), d.p = m), m = c.numericInput && void 0 === y.caret ? n.seekPrevious.call(u, m) : m, !1 !== i && (setTimeout((function() { c.onKeyValidation.call(p, v, y); }), 0), d.writeOutBuffer && !1 !== y)) { var b = n.getBuffer.call(u); (0, s.writeBuffer)(p, b, m, e, !0 !== t); } if (e.preventDefault(), t) return !1 !== y && (y.forwardPosition = m), y; } }, keyupEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask; !t.isComposing || e.keyCode !== r.default.KEY_229 && e.keyCode !== r.default.ENTER || t.$el.trigger("input"); }, pasteEvent: function(e) { var t, i = this.inputmask, a = i.opts, r = i._valueGet(!0), o = n.caret.call(i, this); i.isRTL && (t = o.end, o.end = n.translatePosition.call(i, o.begin), o.begin = n.translatePosition.call(i, t)); var l = r.substr(0, o.begin), u = r.substr(o.end, r.length); if (l == (i.isRTL ? n.getBufferTemplate.call(i).slice().reverse() : n.getBufferTemplate.call(i)).slice(0, o.begin).join("") && (l = ""), u == (i.isRTL ? n.getBufferTemplate.call(i).slice().reverse() : n.getBufferTemplate.call(i)).slice(o.end).join("") && (u = ""), window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) r = l + window.clipboardData.getData("Text") + u; else { if (!e.clipboardData || !e.clipboardData.getData) return !0; r = l + e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") + u; } var f = r; if (i.isRTL) { f = f.split(""); var d, p = c(n.getBufferTemplate.call(i)); try { for (p.s(); !(d = p.n()).done; ) { var h = d.value; f[0] === h && f.shift(); } } catch (e) { p.e(e); } finally { p.f(); } f = f.join(""); } if ("function" == typeof a.onBeforePaste) { if (!1 === (f = a.onBeforePaste.call(i, f, a))) return !1; f || (f = r); } (0, s.checkVal)(this, !0, !1, f.toString().split(""), e), e.preventDefault(); }, inputFallBackEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = t.opts, a = t.dependencyLib; var l = this, c = l.inputmask._valueGet(!0), f = (t.isRTL ? n.getBuffer.call(t).slice().reverse() : n.getBuffer.call(t)).join(""), p = n.caret.call(t, l, void 0, void 0, !0); if (f !== c) { c = function(e, i, a) { if (o.iemobile) { var r = i.replace(n.getBuffer.call(t).join(""), ""); if (1 === r.length) { var l = i.split(""); l.splice(a.begin, 0, r), i = l.join(""); } } return i; }(0, c, p); var h = function(e, a, r) { for (var o, l, s, c = e.substr(0, r.begin).split(""), f = e.substr(r.begin).split(""), d = a.substr(0, r.begin).split(""), p = a.substr(r.begin).split(""), h = c.length >= d.length ? c.length : d.length, v = f.length >= p.length ? f.length : p.length, m = "", g = [], k = "~"; c.length < h; ) c.push(k); for (;d.length < h; ) d.push(k); for (;f.length < v; ) f.unshift(k); for (;p.length < v; ) p.unshift(k); var y = c.concat(f), b = d.concat(p); for (l = 0, o = y.length; l < o; l++) switch (s = u.getPlaceholder.call(t, n.translatePosition.call(t, l)), m) { case "insertText": b[l - 1] === y[l] && r.begin == y.length - 1 && g.push(y[l]), l = o; break; case "insertReplacementText": case "deleteContentBackward": y[l] === k ? r.end++ : l = o; break; default: y[l] !== b[l] && (y[l + 1] !== k && y[l + 1] !== s && void 0 !== y[l + 1] || (b[l] !== s || b[l + 1] !== k) && b[l] !== k ? b[l + 1] === k && b[l] === y[l + 1] ? (m = "insertText", g.push(y[l]), r.begin--, r.end--) : y[l] !== s && y[l] !== k && (y[l + 1] === k || b[l] !== y[l] && b[l + 1] === y[l + 1]) ? (m = "insertReplacementText", g.push(y[l]), r.begin--) : y[l] === k ? (m = "deleteContentBackward", (n.isMask.call(t, n.translatePosition.call(t, l), !0) || b[l] === i.radixPoint) && r.end++) : l = o : (m = "insertText", g.push(y[l]), r.begin--, r.end--)); } return { action: m, data: g, caret: r }; }(c, f, p); switch ((l.inputmask.shadowRoot || l.ownerDocument).activeElement !== l && l.focus(), (0, s.writeBuffer)(l, n.getBuffer.call(t)), n.caret.call(t, l, p.begin, p.end, !0), h.action) { case "insertText": case "insertReplacementText": h.data.forEach((function(e, i) { var n = new a.Event("keypress"); n.keyCode = e.charCodeAt(0), t.ignorable = !1, d.keypressEvent.call(l, n); })), setTimeout((function() { t.$el.trigger("keyup"); }), 0); break; case "deleteContentBackward": var v = new a.Event("keydown"); v.keyCode = r.default.BACKSPACE, d.keydownEvent.call(l, v); break; default: (0, s.applyInputValue)(l, c); } e.preventDefault(); } }, compositionendEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask; t.isComposing = !1, t.$el.trigger("input"); }, setValueEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = this, a = e && e.detail ? e.detail[0] : arguments[1]; void 0 === a && (a = i.inputmask._valueGet(!0)), (0, s.applyInputValue)(i, a), (e.detail && void 0 !== e.detail[1] || void 0 !== arguments[2]) && n.caret.call(t, i, e.detail ? e.detail[1] : arguments[2]); }, focusEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = t.opts, a = this, r = a.inputmask._valueGet(); i.showMaskOnFocus && r !== n.getBuffer.call(t).join("") && (0, s.writeBuffer)(a, n.getBuffer.call(t), n.seekNext.call(t, n.getLastValidPosition.call(t))), !0 !== i.positionCaretOnTab || !1 !== t.mouseEnter || l.isComplete.call(t, n.getBuffer.call(t)) && -1 !== n.getLastValidPosition.call(t) || d.clickEvent.apply(a, [ e, !0 ]), t.undoValue = t._valueGet(!0); }, invalidEvent: function(e) { this.inputmask.validationEvent = !0; }, mouseleaveEvent: function() { var e = this.inputmask, t = e.opts, i = this; e.mouseEnter = !1, t.clearMaskOnLostFocus && (i.inputmask.shadowRoot || i.ownerDocument).activeElement !== i && (0, s.HandleNativePlaceholder)(i, e.originalPlaceholder); }, clickEvent: function(e, t) { var i = this.inputmask, a = this; if ((a.inputmask.shadowRoot || a.ownerDocument).activeElement === a) { var r = n.determineNewCaretPosition.call(i, n.caret.call(i, a), t); void 0 !== r && n.caret.call(i, a, r); } }, cutEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = t.maskset, a = this, o = n.caret.call(t, a), u = t.isRTL ? n.getBuffer.call(t).slice(o.end, o.begin) : n.getBuffer.call(t).slice(o.begin, o.end), c = t.isRTL ? u.reverse().join("") : u.join(""); window.navigator.clipboard ? window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(c) : window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData && window.clipboardData.setData("Text", c), l.handleRemove.call(t, a, r.default.DELETE, o), (0, s.writeBuffer)(a, n.getBuffer.call(t), i.p, e, t.undoValue !== t._valueGet(!0)); }, blurEvent: function(e) { var t = this.inputmask, i = t.opts, a = (0, t.dependencyLib)(this), r = this; if (r.inputmask) { (0, s.HandleNativePlaceholder)(r, t.originalPlaceholder); var o = r.inputmask._valueGet(), u = n.getBuffer.call(t).slice(); "" !== o && (i.clearMaskOnLostFocus && (-1 === n.getLastValidPosition.call(t) && o === n.getBufferTemplate.call(t).join("") ? u = [] : s.clearOptionalTail.call(t, u)), !1 === l.isComplete.call(t, u) && (setTimeout((function() { a.trigger("incomplete"); }), 0), i.clearIncomplete && (n.resetMaskSet.call(t), u = i.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? [] : n.getBufferTemplate.call(t).slice())), (0, s.writeBuffer)(r, u, void 0, e)), t.undoValue !== t._valueGet(!0) && (t.undoValue = t._valueGet(!0), a.trigger("change")); } }, mouseenterEvent: function() { var e = this.inputmask, t = e.opts, i = this; if (e.mouseEnter = !0, (i.inputmask.shadowRoot || i.ownerDocument).activeElement !== i) { var a = (e.isRTL ? n.getBufferTemplate.call(e).slice().reverse() : n.getBufferTemplate.call(e)).join(""); e.placeholder !== a && i.placeholder !== e.originalPlaceholder && (e.originalPlaceholder = i.placeholder), t.showMaskOnHover && (0, s.HandleNativePlaceholder)(i, a); } }, submitEvent: function() { var e = this.inputmask, t = e.opts; e.undoValue !== e._valueGet(!0) && e.$el.trigger("change"), -1 === n.getLastValidPosition.call(e) && e._valueGet && e._valueGet() === n.getBufferTemplate.call(e).join("") && e._valueSet(""), t.clearIncomplete && !1 === l.isComplete.call(e, n.getBuffer.call(e)) && e._valueSet(""), t.removeMaskOnSubmit && (e._valueSet(e.unmaskedvalue(), !0), setTimeout((function() { (0, s.writeBuffer)(e.el, n.getBuffer.call(e)); }), 0)); }, resetEvent: function() { var e = this.inputmask; e.refreshValue = !0, setTimeout((function() { (0, s.applyInputValue)(e.el, e._valueGet(!0)); }), 0); } }; t.EventHandlers = d; }, 9716: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.EventRuler = void 0; var a = l(i(2394)), n = l(i(5581)), r = i(8711), o = i(7760); function l(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var s = { on: function(e, t, i) { var l = e.inputmask.dependencyLib, s = function(t) { t.originalEvent && (t = t.originalEvent || t, arguments[0] = t); var s, u = this, c = u.inputmask, f = c ? c.opts : void 0; if (void 0 === c && "FORM" !== this.nodeName) { var d = l.data(u, "_inputmask_opts"); l(u).off(), d && new a.default(d).mask(u); } else { if ([ "submit", "reset", "setvalue" ].includes(t.type) || "FORM" === this.nodeName || !(u.disabled || u.readOnly && !("keydown" === t.type && t.ctrlKey && 67 === t.keyCode || !1 === f.tabThrough && t.keyCode === n.default.TAB))) { switch (t.type) { case "input": if (!0 === c.skipInputEvent || t.inputType && "insertCompositionText" === t.inputType) return c.skipInputEvent = !1, t.preventDefault(); break; case "keydown": c.skipKeyPressEvent = !1, c.skipInputEvent = c.isComposing = t.keyCode === n.default.KEY_229; break; case "keyup": case "compositionend": c.isComposing && (c.skipInputEvent = !1); break; case "keypress": if (!0 === c.skipKeyPressEvent) return t.preventDefault(); c.skipKeyPressEvent = !0; break; case "click": case "focus": return c.validationEvent ? (c.validationEvent = !1, e.blur(), (0, o.HandleNativePlaceholder)(e, (c.isRTL ? r.getBufferTemplate.call(c).slice().reverse() : r.getBufferTemplate.call(c)).join("")), setTimeout((function() { e.focus(); }), f.validationEventTimeOut), !1) : (s = arguments, setTimeout((function() { e.inputmask && i.apply(u, s); }), 0), !1); } var p = i.apply(u, arguments); return !1 === p && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation()), p; } t.preventDefault(); } }; [ "submit", "reset" ].includes(t) ? (s = s.bind(e), null !== e.form && l(e.form).on(t, s)) : l(e).on(t, s), e.inputmask.events[t] = e.inputmask.events[t] || [], e.inputmask.events[t].push(s); }, off: function(e, t) { if (e.inputmask && e.inputmask.events) { var i = e.inputmask.dependencyLib, a = e.inputmask.events; for (var n in t && ((a = [])[t] = e.inputmask.events[t]), a) { for (var r = a[n]; r.length > 0; ) { var o = r.pop(); [ "submit", "reset" ].includes(n) ? null !== e.form && i(e.form).off(n, o) : i(e).off(n, o); } delete e.inputmask.events[n]; } } } }; t.EventRuler = s; }, 219: function(e, t, i) { var a = d(i(2394)), n = d(i(5581)), r = d(i(7184)), o = i(8711), l = i(4713); function s(e) { return s = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, s(e); } function u(e, t) { return function(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }(e) || function(e, t) { var i = null == e ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; if (null == i) return; var a, n, r = [], o = !0, l = !1; try { for (i = i.call(e); !(o = (a = i.next()).done) && (r.push(a.value), !t || r.length !== t); o = !0) ; } catch (e) { l = !0, n = e; } finally { try { o || null == i.return || i.return(); } finally { if (l) throw n; } } return r; }(e, t) || function(e, t) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return c(e, t); var i = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); "Object" === i && e.constructor && (i = e.constructor.name); if ("Map" === i || "Set" === i) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === i || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i)) return c(e, t); }(e, t) || function() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function c(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var i = 0, a = new Array(t); i < t; i++) a[i] = e[i]; return a; } function f(e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var a = t[i]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a); } } function d(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var p = a.default.dependencyLib, h = function() { function e(t, i, a) { !function(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }(this, e), this.mask = t, this.format = i, this.opts = a, this._date = new Date(1, 0, 1), this.initDateObject(t, this.opts); } var t, i, a; return t = e, (i = [ { key: "date", get: function() { return void 0 === this._date && (this._date = new Date(1, 0, 1), this.initDateObject(void 0, this.opts)), this._date; } }, { key: "initDateObject", value: function(e, t) { var i; for (P(t).lastIndex = 0; i = P(t).exec(this.format); ) { var a = new RegExp("\\d+$").exec(i[0]), n = a ? i[0][0] + "x" : i[0], r = void 0; if (void 0 !== e) { if (a) { var o = P(t).lastIndex, l = O(i.index, t); P(t).lastIndex = o, r = e.slice(0, e.indexOf(l.nextMatch[0])); } else r = e.slice(0, n.length); e = e.slice(r.length); } Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, n) && this.setValue(this, r, n, g[n][2], g[n][1]); } } }, { key: "setValue", value: function(e, t, i, a, n) { if (void 0 !== t && (e[a] = "ampm" === a ? t : t.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "0"), e["raw" + a] = t.replace(/\s/g, "_")), void 0 !== n) { var r = e[a]; ("day" === a && 29 === parseInt(r) || "month" === a && 2 === parseInt(r)) && (29 !== parseInt(e.day) || 2 !== parseInt(e.month) || "" !== e.year && void 0 !== e.year || e._date.setFullYear(2012, 1, 29)), "day" === a && (m = !0, 0 === parseInt(r) && (r = 1)), "month" === a && (m = !0), "year" === a && (m = !0, r.length < 4 && (r = _(r, 4, !0))), "" === r || isNaN(r) || n.call(e._date, r), "ampm" === a && n.call(e._date, r); } } }, { key: "reset", value: function() { this._date = new Date(1, 0, 1); } }, { key: "reInit", value: function() { this._date = void 0, this.date; } } ]) && f(t.prototype, i), a && f(t, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e; }(), v = (new Date).getFullYear(), m = !1, g = { d: [ "[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]", Date.prototype.setDate, "day", Date.prototype.getDate ], dd: [ "0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]", Date.prototype.setDate, "day", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getDate.call(this), 2); } ], ddd: [ "" ], dddd: [ "" ], m: [ "[1-9]|1[012]", function(e) { var t = e ? parseInt(e) : 0; return t > 0 && t--, Date.prototype.setMonth.call(this, t); }, "month", function() { return Date.prototype.getMonth.call(this) + 1; } ], mm: [ "0[1-9]|1[012]", function(e) { var t = e ? parseInt(e) : 0; return t > 0 && t--, Date.prototype.setMonth.call(this, t); }, "month", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getMonth.call(this) + 1, 2); } ], mmm: [ "" ], mmmm: [ "" ], yy: [ "[0-9]{2}", Date.prototype.setFullYear, "year", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getFullYear.call(this), 2); } ], yyyy: [ "[0-9]{4}", Date.prototype.setFullYear, "year", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getFullYear.call(this), 4); } ], h: [ "[1-9]|1[0-2]", Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", Date.prototype.getHours ], hh: [ "0[1-9]|1[0-2]", Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getHours.call(this), 2); } ], hx: [ function(e) { return "[0-9]{".concat(e, "}"); }, Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", function(e) { return Date.prototype.getHours; } ], H: [ "1?[0-9]|2[0-3]", Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", Date.prototype.getHours ], HH: [ "0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]", Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getHours.call(this), 2); } ], Hx: [ function(e) { return "[0-9]{".concat(e, "}"); }, Date.prototype.setHours, "hours", function(e) { return function() { return _(Date.prototype.getHours.call(this), e); }; } ], M: [ "[1-5]?[0-9]", Date.prototype.setMinutes, "minutes", Date.prototype.getMinutes ], MM: [ "0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-9]|4[0-9]|5[0-9]", Date.prototype.setMinutes, "minutes", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getMinutes.call(this), 2); } ], s: [ "[1-5]?[0-9]", Date.prototype.setSeconds, "seconds", Date.prototype.getSeconds ], ss: [ "0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-9]|4[0-9]|5[0-9]", Date.prototype.setSeconds, "seconds", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getSeconds.call(this), 2); } ], l: [ "[0-9]{3}", Date.prototype.setMilliseconds, "milliseconds", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getMilliseconds.call(this), 3); } ], L: [ "[0-9]{2}", Date.prototype.setMilliseconds, "milliseconds", function() { return _(Date.prototype.getMilliseconds.call(this), 2); } ], t: [ "[ap]", y, "ampm", b, 1 ], tt: [ "[ap]m", y, "ampm", b, 2 ], T: [ "[AP]", y, "ampm", b, 1 ], TT: [ "[AP]M", y, "ampm", b, 2 ], Z: [ ".*", void 0, "Z", function() { var e = this.toString().match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]; e.includes(" ") && (e = (e = e.replace("-", " ").toUpperCase()).split(" ").map((function(e) { return u(e, 1)[0]; })).join("")); return e; } ], o: [ "" ], S: [ "" ] }, k = { isoDate: "yyyy-mm-dd", isoTime: "HH:MM:ss", isoDateTime: "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss", isoUtcDateTime: "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'" }; function y(e) { var t = this.getHours(); e.toLowerCase().includes("p") ? this.setHours(t + 12) : e.toLowerCase().includes("a") && t >= 12 && this.setHours(t - 12); } function b() { var e = this.getHours(); return (e = e || 12) >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; } function x(e) { var t = new RegExp("\\d+$").exec(e[0]); if (t && void 0 !== t[0]) { var i = g[e[0][0] + "x"].slice(""); return i[0] = i[0](t[0]), i[3] = i[3](t[0]), i; } if (g[e[0]]) return g[e[0]]; } function P(e) { if (!e.tokenizer) { var t = [], i = []; for (var a in g) if (/\.*x$/.test(a)) { var n = a[0] + "\\d+"; -1 === i.indexOf(n) && i.push(n); } else -1 === t.indexOf(a[0]) && t.push(a[0]); e.tokenizer = "(" + (i.length > 0 ? i.join("|") + "|" : "") + t.join("+|") + ")+?|.", e.tokenizer = new RegExp(e.tokenizer, "g"); } return e.tokenizer; } function E(e, t, i) { if (!m) return !0; if (void 0 === e.rawday || !isFinite(e.rawday) && new Date(e.date.getFullYear(), isFinite(e.rawmonth) ? e.month : e.date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() >= e.day || "29" == e.day && (!isFinite(e.rawyear) || void 0 === e.rawyear || "" === e.rawyear) || new Date(e.date.getFullYear(), isFinite(e.rawmonth) ? e.month : e.date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() >= e.day) return t; if ("29" == e.day) { var a = O(t.pos, i); if ("yyyy" === a.targetMatch[0] && t.pos - a.targetMatchIndex == 2) return t.remove = t.pos + 1, t; } else if ("02" == e.month && "30" == e.day && void 0 !== t.c) return e.day = "03", e.date.setDate(3), e.date.setMonth(1), t.insert = [ { pos: t.pos, c: "0" }, { pos: t.pos + 1, c: t.c } ], t.caret = o.seekNext.call(this, t.pos + 1), t; return !1; } function S(e, t, i, a) { var n, o, l = ""; for (P(i).lastIndex = 0; n = P(i).exec(e); ) { if (void 0 === t) if (o = x(n)) l += "(" + o[0] + ")"; else switch (n[0]) { case "[": l += "("; break; case "]": l += ")?"; break; default: l += (0, r.default)(n[0]); } else if (o = x(n)) if (!0 !== a && o[3]) l += o[3].call(t.date); else o[2] ? l += t["raw" + o[2]] : l += n[0]; else l += n[0]; } return l; } function _(e, t, i) { for (e = String(e), t = t || 2; e.length < t; ) e = i ? e + "0" : "0" + e; return e; } function w(e, t, i) { return "string" == typeof e ? new h(e, t, i) : e && "object" === s(e) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "date") ? e : void 0; } function M(e, t) { return S(t.inputFormat, { date: e }, t); } function O(e, t) { var i, a, n = 0, r = 0; for (P(t).lastIndex = 0; a = P(t).exec(t.inputFormat); ) { var o = new RegExp("\\d+$").exec(a[0]); if ((n += r = o ? parseInt(o[0]) : a[0].length) >= e + 1) { i = a, a = P(t).exec(t.inputFormat); break; } } return { targetMatchIndex: n - r, nextMatch: a, targetMatch: i }; } a.default.extendAliases({ datetime: { mask: function(e) { return e.numericInput = !1, g.S = e.i18n.ordinalSuffix.join("|"), e.inputFormat = k[e.inputFormat] || e.inputFormat, e.displayFormat = k[e.displayFormat] || e.displayFormat || e.inputFormat, e.outputFormat = k[e.outputFormat] || e.outputFormat || e.inputFormat, e.placeholder = "" !== e.placeholder ? e.placeholder : e.inputFormat.replace(/[[\]]/, ""), e.regex = S(e.inputFormat, void 0, e), e.min = w(e.min, e.inputFormat, e), e.max = w(e.max, e.inputFormat, e), null; }, placeholder: "", inputFormat: "isoDateTime", displayFormat: null, outputFormat: null, min: null, max: null, skipOptionalPartCharacter: "", i18n: { dayNames: [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ], monthNames: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], ordinalSuffix: [ "st", "nd", "rd", "th" ] }, preValidation: function(e, t, i, a, n, r, o, l) { if (l) return !0; if (isNaN(i) && e[t] !== i) { var s = O(t, n); if (s.nextMatch && s.nextMatch[0] === i && s.targetMatch[0].length > 1) { var u = g[s.targetMatch[0]][0]; if (new RegExp(u).test("0" + e[t - 1])) return e[t] = e[t - 1], e[t - 1] = "0", { fuzzy: !0, buffer: e, refreshFromBuffer: { start: t - 1, end: t + 1 }, pos: t + 1 }; } } return !0; }, postValidation: function(e, t, i, a, n, r, o, s) { var u, c; if (o) return !0; if (!1 === a && (((u = O(t + 1, n)).targetMatch && u.targetMatchIndex === t && u.targetMatch[0].length > 1 && void 0 !== g[u.targetMatch[0]] || (u = O(t + 2, n)).targetMatch && u.targetMatchIndex === t + 1 && u.targetMatch[0].length > 1 && void 0 !== g[u.targetMatch[0]]) && (c = g[u.targetMatch[0]][0]), void 0 !== c && (void 0 !== r.validPositions[t + 1] && new RegExp(c).test(i + "0") ? (e[t] = i, e[t + 1] = "0", a = { pos: t + 2, caret: t }) : new RegExp(c).test("0" + i) && (e[t] = "0", e[t + 1] = i, a = { pos: t + 2 })), !1 === a)) return a; if (a.fuzzy && (e = a.buffer, t = a.pos), (u = O(t, n)).targetMatch && u.targetMatch[0] && void 0 !== g[u.targetMatch[0]]) { var f = g[u.targetMatch[0]]; c = f[0]; var d = e.slice(u.targetMatchIndex, u.targetMatchIndex + u.targetMatch[0].length); if (!1 === new RegExp(c).test(d.join("")) && 2 === u.targetMatch[0].length && r.validPositions[u.targetMatchIndex] && r.validPositions[u.targetMatchIndex + 1] && (r.validPositions[u.targetMatchIndex + 1].input = "0"), "year" == f[2]) for (var p = l.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !1, 1, void 0, !0), h = t + 1; h < e.length; h++) e[h] = p[h], delete r.validPositions[h]; } var m = a, k = w(e.join(""), n.inputFormat, n); return m && k.date.getTime() == k.date.getTime() && (n.prefillYear && (m = function(e, t, i) { if (e.year !== e.rawyear) { var a = v.toString(), n = e.rawyear.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""), r = a.slice(0, n.length), o = a.slice(n.length); if (2 === n.length && n === r) { var l = new Date(v, e.month - 1, e.day); e.day == l.getDate() && (!i.max || i.max.date.getTime() >= l.getTime()) && (e.date.setFullYear(v), e.year = a, t.insert = [ { pos: t.pos + 1, c: o[0] }, { pos: t.pos + 2, c: o[1] } ]); } } return t; }(k, m, n)), m = function(e, t, i, a, n) { if (!t) return t; if (t && i.min && i.min.date.getTime() == i.min.date.getTime()) { var r; for (e.reset(), P(i).lastIndex = 0; r = P(i).exec(i.inputFormat); ) { var o; if ((o = x(r)) && o[3]) { for (var l = o[1], s = e[o[2]], u = i.min[o[2]], c = i.max ? i.max[o[2]] : u, f = [], d = !1, p = 0; p < u.length; p++) void 0 !== a.validPositions[p + r.index] || d ? (f[p] = s[p], d = d || s[p] > u[p]) : (f[p] = u[p], "year" === o[2] && s.length - 1 == p && u != c && (f = (parseInt(f.join("")) + 1).toString().split("")), "ampm" === o[2] && u != c && i.min.date.getTime() > e.date.getTime() && (f[p] = c[p])); l.call(e._date, f.join("")); } } t = i.min.date.getTime() <= e.date.getTime(), e.reInit(); } return t && i.max && i.max.date.getTime() == i.max.date.getTime() && (t = i.max.date.getTime() >= e.date.getTime()), t; }(k, m = E.call(this, k, m, n), n, r)), void 0 !== t && m && a.pos !== t ? { buffer: S(n.inputFormat, k, n).split(""), refreshFromBuffer: { start: t, end: a.pos }, pos: a.caret || a.pos } : m; }, onKeyDown: function(e, t, i, a) { e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === n.default.RIGHT && (this.inputmask._valueSet(M(new Date, a)), p(this).trigger("setvalue")); }, onUnMask: function(e, t, i) { return t ? S(i.outputFormat, w(e, i.inputFormat, i), i, !0) : t; }, casing: function(e, t, i, a) { return 0 == t.nativeDef.indexOf("[ap]") ? e.toLowerCase() : 0 == t.nativeDef.indexOf("[AP]") ? e.toUpperCase() : e; }, onBeforeMask: function(e, t) { return "[object Date]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) && (e = M(e, t)), e; }, insertMode: !1, shiftPositions: !1, keepStatic: !1, inputmode: "numeric", prefillYear: !0 } }); }, 3851: function(e, t, i) { var a, n = (a = i(2394)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }, r = i(8711), o = i(4713); n.default.extendDefinitions({ A: { validator: "[A-Za-z\u0410-\u044f\u0401\u0451\xc0-\xff\xb5]", casing: "upper" }, "&": { validator: "[0-9A-Za-z\u0410-\u044f\u0401\u0451\xc0-\xff\xb5]", casing: "upper" }, "#": { validator: "[0-9A-Fa-f]", casing: "upper" } }); var l = new RegExp("25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01][0-9][0-9]"); function s(e, t, i, a, n) { return i - 1 > -1 && "." !== t.buffer[i - 1] ? (e = t.buffer[i - 1] + e, e = i - 2 > -1 && "." !== t.buffer[i - 2] ? t.buffer[i - 2] + e : "0" + e) : e = "00" + e, l.test(e); } n.default.extendAliases({ cssunit: { regex: "[+-]?[0-9]+\\.?([0-9]+)?(px|em|rem|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)" }, url: { regex: "(https?|ftp)://.*", autoUnmask: !1, keepStatic: !1, tabThrough: !0 }, ip: { mask: "i{1,3}.j{1,3}.k{1,3}.l{1,3}", definitions: { i: { validator: s }, j: { validator: s }, k: { validator: s }, l: { validator: s } }, onUnMask: function(e, t, i) { return e; }, inputmode: "decimal", substitutes: { ",": "." } }, email: { mask: function(e) { var t = "*{1,64}[.*{1,64}][.*{1,64}][.*{1,63}]@-{1,63}.-{1,63}[.-{1,63}][.-{1,63}]", i = t; if (e.separator) for (var a = 0; a < e.quantifier; a++) i += "[".concat(e.separator).concat(t, "]"); return i; }, greedy: !1, casing: "lower", separator: null, quantifier: 5, skipOptionalPartCharacter: "", onBeforePaste: function(e, t) { return (e = e.toLowerCase()).replace("mailto:", ""); }, definitions: { "*": { validator: "[0-9\uff11-\uff19A-Za-z\u0410-\u044f\u0401\u0451\xc0-\xff\xb5!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]" }, "-": { validator: "[0-9A-Za-z-]" } }, onUnMask: function(e, t, i) { return e; }, inputmode: "email" }, mac: { mask: "##:##:##:##:##:##" }, vin: { mask: "V{13}9{4}", definitions: { V: { validator: "[A-HJ-NPR-Za-hj-npr-z\\d]", casing: "upper" } }, clearIncomplete: !0, autoUnmask: !0 }, ssn: { mask: "999-99-9999", postValidation: function(e, t, i, a, n, l, s) { var u = o.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !0, r.getLastValidPosition.call(this), !0, !0); return /^(?!219-09-9999|078-05-1120)(?!666|000|9.{2}).{3}-(?!00).{2}-(?!0{4}).{4}$/.test(u.join("")); } } }); }, 207: function(e, t, i) { var a = l(i(2394)), n = l(i(5581)), r = l(i(7184)), o = i(8711); function l(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var s = a.default.dependencyLib; function u(e, t) { for (var i = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++) a.default.prototype.definitions[e.charAt(n)] || t.definitions[e.charAt(n)] || t.optionalmarker[0] === e.charAt(n) || t.optionalmarker[1] === e.charAt(n) || t.quantifiermarker[0] === e.charAt(n) || t.quantifiermarker[1] === e.charAt(n) || t.groupmarker[0] === e.charAt(n) || t.groupmarker[1] === e.charAt(n) || t.alternatormarker === e.charAt(n) ? i += "\\" + e.charAt(n) : i += e.charAt(n); return i; } function c(e, t, i, a) { if (e.length > 0 && t > 0 && (!i.digitsOptional || a)) { var n = e.indexOf(i.radixPoint), r = !1; i.negationSymbol.back === e[e.length - 1] && (r = !0, e.length--), -1 === n && (e.push(i.radixPoint), n = e.length - 1); for (var o = 1; o <= t; o++) isFinite(e[n + o]) || (e[n + o] = "0"); } return r && e.push(i.negationSymbol.back), e; } function f(e, t) { var i = 0; if ("+" === e) { for (i in t.validPositions) ; i = o.seekNext.call(this, parseInt(i)); } for (var a in t.tests) if ((a = parseInt(a)) >= i) for (var n = 0, r = t.tests[a].length; n < r; n++) if ((void 0 === t.validPositions[a] || "-" === e) && t.tests[a][n].match.def === e) return a + (void 0 !== t.validPositions[a] && "-" !== e ? 1 : 0); return i; } function d(e, t) { var i = -1; for (var a in t.validPositions) { var n = t.validPositions[a]; if (n && n.match.def === e) { i = parseInt(a); break; } } return i; } function p(e, t, i, a, n) { var r = t.buffer ? t.buffer.indexOf(n.radixPoint) : -1, o = (-1 !== r || a && n.jitMasking) && new RegExp(n.definitions[9].validator).test(e); return n._radixDance && -1 !== r && o && null == t.validPositions[r] ? { insert: { pos: r === i ? r + 1 : r, c: n.radixPoint }, pos: i } : o; } a.default.extendAliases({ numeric: { mask: function(e) { e.repeat = 0, e.groupSeparator === e.radixPoint && e.digits && "0" !== e.digits && ("." === e.radixPoint ? e.groupSeparator = "," : "," === e.radixPoint ? e.groupSeparator = "." : e.groupSeparator = ""), " " === e.groupSeparator && (e.skipOptionalPartCharacter = void 0), e.placeholder.length > 1 && (e.placeholder = e.placeholder.charAt(0)), "radixFocus" === e.positionCaretOnClick && "" === e.placeholder && (e.positionCaretOnClick = "lvp"); var t = "0", i = e.radixPoint; !0 === e.numericInput && void 0 === e.__financeInput ? (t = "1", e.positionCaretOnClick = "radixFocus" === e.positionCaretOnClick ? "lvp" : e.positionCaretOnClick, e.digitsOptional = !1, isNaN(e.digits) && (e.digits = 2), e._radixDance = !1, i = "," === e.radixPoint ? "?" : "!", "" !== e.radixPoint && void 0 === e.definitions[i] && (e.definitions[i] = {}, e.definitions[i].validator = "[" + e.radixPoint + "]", e.definitions[i].placeholder = e.radixPoint, e.definitions[i].static = !0, e.definitions[i].generated = !0)) : (e.__financeInput = !1, e.numericInput = !0); var a, n = "[+]"; if (n += u(e.prefix, e), "" !== e.groupSeparator ? (void 0 === e.definitions[e.groupSeparator] && (e.definitions[e.groupSeparator] = {}, e.definitions[e.groupSeparator].validator = "[" + e.groupSeparator + "]", e.definitions[e.groupSeparator].placeholder = e.groupSeparator, e.definitions[e.groupSeparator].static = !0, e.definitions[e.groupSeparator].generated = !0), n += e._mask(e)) : n += "9{+}", void 0 !== e.digits && 0 !== e.digits) { var o = e.digits.toString().split(","); isFinite(o[0]) && o[1] && isFinite(o[1]) ? n += i + t + "{" + e.digits + "}" : (isNaN(e.digits) || parseInt(e.digits) > 0) && (e.digitsOptional || e.jitMasking ? (a = n + i + t + "{0," + e.digits + "}", e.keepStatic = !0) : n += i + t + "{" + e.digits + "}"); } else e.inputmode = "numeric"; return n += u(e.suffix, e), n += "[-]", a && (n = [ a + u(e.suffix, e) + "[-]", n ]), e.greedy = !1, function(e) { void 0 === e.parseMinMaxOptions && (null !== e.min && (e.min = e.min.toString().replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(e.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "," === e.radixPoint && (e.min = e.min.replace(e.radixPoint, ".")), e.min = isFinite(e.min) ? parseFloat(e.min) : NaN, isNaN(e.min) && (e.min = Number.MIN_VALUE)), null !== e.max && (e.max = e.max.toString().replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(e.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "," === e.radixPoint && (e.max = e.max.replace(e.radixPoint, ".")), e.max = isFinite(e.max) ? parseFloat(e.max) : NaN, isNaN(e.max) && (e.max = Number.MAX_VALUE)), e.parseMinMaxOptions = "done"); }(e), "" !== e.radixPoint && (e.substitutes["." == e.radixPoint ? "," : "."] = e.radixPoint), n; }, _mask: function(e) { return "(" + e.groupSeparator + "999){+|1}"; }, digits: "*", digitsOptional: !0, enforceDigitsOnBlur: !1, radixPoint: ".", positionCaretOnClick: "radixFocus", _radixDance: !0, groupSeparator: "", allowMinus: !0, negationSymbol: { front: "-", back: "" }, prefix: "", suffix: "", min: null, max: null, SetMaxOnOverflow: !1, step: 1, inputType: "text", unmaskAsNumber: !1, roundingFN: Math.round, inputmode: "decimal", shortcuts: { k: "1000", m: "1000000" }, placeholder: "0", greedy: !1, rightAlign: !0, insertMode: !0, autoUnmask: !1, skipOptionalPartCharacter: "", usePrototypeDefinitions: !1, stripLeadingZeroes: !0, definitions: { 0: { validator: p }, 1: { validator: p, definitionSymbol: "9" }, 9: { validator: "[0-9\uff10-\uff19\u0660-\u0669\u06f0-\u06f9]", definitionSymbol: "*" }, "+": { validator: function(e, t, i, a, n) { return n.allowMinus && ("-" === e || e === n.negationSymbol.front); } }, "-": { validator: function(e, t, i, a, n) { return n.allowMinus && e === n.negationSymbol.back; } } }, preValidation: function(e, t, i, a, n, r, o, l) { if (!1 !== n.__financeInput && i === n.radixPoint) return !1; var s = e.indexOf(n.radixPoint), u = t; if (t = function(e, t, i, a, n) { return n._radixDance && n.numericInput && t !== n.negationSymbol.back && e <= i && (i > 0 || t == n.radixPoint) && (void 0 === a.validPositions[e - 1] || a.validPositions[e - 1].input !== n.negationSymbol.back) && (e -= 1), e; }(t, i, s, r, n), "-" === i || i === n.negationSymbol.front) { if (!0 !== n.allowMinus) return !1; var c = !1, p = d("+", r), h = d("-", r); return -1 !== p && (c = [ p, h ]), !1 !== c ? { remove: c, caret: u - n.negationSymbol.back.length } : { insert: [ { pos: f.call(this, "+", r), c: n.negationSymbol.front, fromIsValid: !0 }, { pos: f.call(this, "-", r), c: n.negationSymbol.back, fromIsValid: void 0 } ], caret: u + n.negationSymbol.back.length }; } if (i === n.groupSeparator) return { caret: u }; if (l) return !0; if (-1 !== s && !0 === n._radixDance && !1 === a && i === n.radixPoint && void 0 !== n.digits && (isNaN(n.digits) || parseInt(n.digits) > 0) && s !== t) return { caret: n._radixDance && t === s - 1 ? s + 1 : s }; if (!1 === n.__financeInput) if (a) { if (n.digitsOptional) return { rewritePosition: o.end }; if (!n.digitsOptional) { if (o.begin > s && o.end <= s) return i === n.radixPoint ? { insert: { pos: s + 1, c: "0", fromIsValid: !0 }, rewritePosition: s } : { rewritePosition: s + 1 }; if (o.begin < s) return { rewritePosition: o.begin - 1 }; } } else if (!n.showMaskOnHover && !n.showMaskOnFocus && !n.digitsOptional && n.digits > 0 && "" === this.__valueGet.call(this.el)) return { rewritePosition: s }; return { rewritePosition: t }; }, postValidation: function(e, t, i, a, n, r, o) { if (!1 === a) return a; if (o) return !0; if (null !== n.min || null !== n.max) { var l = n.onUnMask(e.slice().reverse().join(""), void 0, s.extend({}, n, { unmaskAsNumber: !0 })); if (null !== n.min && l < n.min && (l.toString().length > n.min.toString().length || l < 0)) return !1; if (null !== n.max && l > n.max) return !!n.SetMaxOnOverflow && { refreshFromBuffer: !0, buffer: c(n.max.toString().replace(".", n.radixPoint).split(""), n.digits, n).reverse() }; } return a; }, onUnMask: function(e, t, i) { if ("" === t && !0 === i.nullable) return t; var a = e.replace(i.prefix, ""); return a = (a = a.replace(i.suffix, "")).replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(i.groupSeparator), "g"), ""), "" !== i.placeholder.charAt(0) && (a = a.replace(new RegExp(i.placeholder.charAt(0), "g"), "0")), i.unmaskAsNumber ? ("" !== i.radixPoint && -1 !== a.indexOf(i.radixPoint) && (a = a.replace(r.default.call(this, i.radixPoint), ".")), a = (a = a.replace(new RegExp("^" + (0, r.default)(i.negationSymbol.front)), "-")).replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(i.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), ""), Number(a)) : a; }, isComplete: function(e, t) { var i = (t.numericInput ? e.slice().reverse() : e).join(""); return i = (i = (i = (i = (i = i.replace(new RegExp("^" + (0, r.default)(t.negationSymbol.front)), "-")).replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(t.negationSymbol.back) + "$"), "")).replace(t.prefix, "")).replace(t.suffix, "")).replace(new RegExp((0, r.default)(t.groupSeparator) + "([0-9]{3})", "g"), "$1"), "," === t.radixPoint && (i = i.replace((0, r.default)(t.radixPoint), ".")), isFinite(i); }, onBeforeMask: function(e, t) { var i = t.radixPoint || ","; isFinite(t.digits) && (t.digits = parseInt(t.digits)), "number" != typeof e && "number" !== t.inputType || "" === i || (e = e.toString().replace(".", i)); var a = "-" === e.charAt(0) || e.charAt(0) === t.negationSymbol.front, n = e.split(i), o = n[0].replace(/[^\-0-9]/g, ""), l = n.length > 1 ? n[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "") : "", s = n.length > 1; e = o + ("" !== l ? i + l : l); var u = 0; if ("" !== i && (u = t.digitsOptional ? t.digits < l.length ? t.digits : l.length : t.digits, "" !== l || !t.digitsOptional)) { var f = Math.pow(10, u || 1); e = e.replace((0, r.default)(i), "."), isNaN(parseFloat(e)) || (e = (t.roundingFN(parseFloat(e) * f) / f).toFixed(u)), e = e.toString().replace(".", i); } if (0 === t.digits && -1 !== e.indexOf(i) && (e = e.substring(0, e.indexOf(i))), null !== t.min || null !== t.max) { var d = e.toString().replace(i, "."); null !== t.min && d < t.min ? e = t.min.toString().replace(".", i) : null !== t.max && d > t.max && (e = t.max.toString().replace(".", i)); } return a && "-" !== e.charAt(0) && (e = "-" + e), c(e.toString().split(""), u, t, s).join(""); }, onBeforeWrite: function(e, t, i, a) { function n(e, t) { if (!1 !== a.__financeInput || t) { var i = e.indexOf(a.radixPoint); -1 !== i && e.splice(i, 1); } if ("" !== a.groupSeparator) for (;-1 !== (i = e.indexOf(a.groupSeparator)); ) e.splice(i, 1); return e; } var o, l; if (a.stripLeadingZeroes && (l = function(e, t) { var i = new RegExp("(^" + ("" !== t.negationSymbol.front ? (0, r.default)(t.negationSymbol.front) + "?" : "") + (0, r.default)(t.prefix) + ")(.*)(" + (0, r.default)(t.suffix) + ("" != t.negationSymbol.back ? (0, r.default)(t.negationSymbol.back) + "?" : "") + "$)").exec(e.slice().reverse().join("")), a = i ? i[2] : "", n = !1; return a && (a = a.split(t.radixPoint.charAt(0))[0], n = new RegExp("^[0" + t.groupSeparator + "]*").exec(a)), !(!n || !(n[0].length > 1 || n[0].length > 0 && n[0].length < a.length)) && n; }(t, a))) for (var u = t.join("").lastIndexOf(l[0].split("").reverse().join("")) - (l[0] == l.input ? 0 : 1), f = l[0] == l.input ? 1 : 0, d = l[0].length - f; d > 0; d--) delete this.maskset.validPositions[u + d], delete t[u + d]; if (e) switch (e.type) { case "blur": case "checkval": if (null !== a.min) { var p = a.onUnMask(t.slice().reverse().join(""), void 0, s.extend({}, a, { unmaskAsNumber: !0 })); if (null !== a.min && p < a.min) return { refreshFromBuffer: !0, buffer: c(a.min.toString().replace(".", a.radixPoint).split(""), a.digits, a).reverse() }; } if (t[t.length - 1] === a.negationSymbol.front) { var h = new RegExp("(^" + ("" != a.negationSymbol.front ? (0, r.default)(a.negationSymbol.front) + "?" : "") + (0, r.default)(a.prefix) + ")(.*)(" + (0, r.default)(a.suffix) + ("" != a.negationSymbol.back ? (0, r.default)(a.negationSymbol.back) + "?" : "") + "$)").exec(n(t.slice(), !0).reverse().join("")); 0 == (h ? h[2] : "") && (o = { refreshFromBuffer: !0, buffer: [ 0 ] }); } else if ("" !== a.radixPoint) { t.indexOf(a.radixPoint) === a.suffix.length && (o && o.buffer ? o.buffer.splice(0, 1 + a.suffix.length) : (t.splice(0, 1 + a.suffix.length), o = { refreshFromBuffer: !0, buffer: n(t) })); } if (a.enforceDigitsOnBlur) { var v = (o = o || {}) && o.buffer || t.slice().reverse(); o.refreshFromBuffer = !0, o.buffer = c(v, a.digits, a, !0).reverse(); } } return o; }, onKeyDown: function(e, t, i, a) { var r, o, l = s(this), u = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toLowerCase(); if ((o = a.shortcuts && a.shortcuts[u]) && o.length > 1) return this.inputmask.__valueSet.call(this, parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) * parseInt(o)), l.trigger("setvalue"), !1; if (e.ctrlKey) switch (e.keyCode) { case n.default.UP: return this.inputmask.__valueSet.call(this, parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) + parseInt(a.step)), l.trigger("setvalue"), !1; case n.default.DOWN: return this.inputmask.__valueSet.call(this, parseFloat(this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue()) - parseInt(a.step)), l.trigger("setvalue"), !1; } if (!e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === n.default.DELETE || e.keyCode === n.default.BACKSPACE || e.keyCode === n.default.BACKSPACE_SAFARI) && i.begin !== t.length) { if (t[e.keyCode === n.default.DELETE ? i.begin - 1 : i.end] === a.negationSymbol.front) return r = t.slice().reverse(), "" !== a.negationSymbol.front && r.shift(), "" !== a.negationSymbol.back && r.pop(), l.trigger("setvalue", [ r.join(""), i.begin ]), !1; if (!0 === a._radixDance) { var f = t.indexOf(a.radixPoint); if (a.digitsOptional) { if (0 === f) return (r = t.slice().reverse()).pop(), l.trigger("setvalue", [ r.join(""), i.begin >= r.length ? r.length : i.begin ]), !1; } else if (-1 !== f && (i.begin < f || i.end < f || e.keyCode === n.default.DELETE && i.begin === f)) return i.begin !== i.end || e.keyCode !== n.default.BACKSPACE && e.keyCode !== n.default.BACKSPACE_SAFARI || i.begin++, (r = t.slice().reverse()).splice(r.length - i.begin, i.begin - i.end + 1), r = c(r, a.digits, a).join(""), l.trigger("setvalue", [ r, i.begin >= r.length ? f + 1 : i.begin ]), !1; } } } }, currency: { prefix: "", groupSeparator: ",", alias: "numeric", digits: 2, digitsOptional: !1 }, decimal: { alias: "numeric" }, integer: { alias: "numeric", inputmode: "numeric", digits: 0 }, percentage: { alias: "numeric", min: 0, max: 100, suffix: " %", digits: 0, allowMinus: !1 }, indianns: { alias: "numeric", _mask: function(e) { return "(" + e.groupSeparator + "99){*|1}(" + e.groupSeparator + "999){1|1}"; }, groupSeparator: ",", radixPoint: ".", placeholder: "0", digits: 2, digitsOptional: !1 } }); }, 9380: function(e, t, i) { var a; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; var n = ((a = i(8741)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }).default ? window : {}; t.default = n; }, 7760: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.HandleNativePlaceholder = function(e, t) { var i = e ? e.inputmask : this; if (s.ie) { if (e.inputmask._valueGet() !== t && (e.placeholder !== t || "" === e.placeholder)) { var a = o.getBuffer.call(i).slice(), n = e.inputmask._valueGet(); if (n !== t) { var r = o.getLastValidPosition.call(i); -1 === r && n === o.getBufferTemplate.call(i).join("") ? a = [] : -1 !== r && f.call(i, a), p(e, a); } } } else e.placeholder !== t && (e.placeholder = t, "" === e.placeholder && e.removeAttribute("placeholder")); }, t.applyInputValue = c, t.checkVal = d, t.clearOptionalTail = f, t.unmaskedvalue = function(e) { var t = e ? e.inputmask : this, i = t.opts, a = t.maskset; if (e) { if (void 0 === e.inputmask) return e.value; e.inputmask && e.inputmask.refreshValue && c(e, e.inputmask._valueGet(!0)); } var n = [], r = a.validPositions; for (var l in r) r[l] && r[l].match && (1 != r[l].match.static || Array.isArray(a.metadata) && !0 !== r[l].generatedInput) && n.push(r[l].input); var s = 0 === n.length ? "" : (t.isRTL ? n.reverse() : n).join(""); if ("function" == typeof i.onUnMask) { var u = (t.isRTL ? o.getBuffer.call(t).slice().reverse() : o.getBuffer.call(t)).join(""); s = i.onUnMask.call(t, u, s, i); } return s; }, t.writeBuffer = p; var a, n = (a = i(5581)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }, r = i(4713), o = i(8711), l = i(7215), s = i(9845), u = i(6030); function c(e, t) { var i = e ? e.inputmask : this, a = i.opts; e.inputmask.refreshValue = !1, "function" == typeof a.onBeforeMask && (t = a.onBeforeMask.call(i, t, a) || t), d(e, !0, !1, t = t.toString().split("")), i.undoValue = i._valueGet(!0), (a.clearMaskOnLostFocus || a.clearIncomplete) && e.inputmask._valueGet() === o.getBufferTemplate.call(i).join("") && -1 === o.getLastValidPosition.call(i) && e.inputmask._valueSet(""); } function f(e) { e.length = 0; for (var t, i = r.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !0, 0, !0, void 0, !0); void 0 !== (t = i.shift()); ) e.push(t); return e; } function d(e, t, i, a, n) { var s = e ? e.inputmask : this, c = s.maskset, f = s.opts, d = s.dependencyLib, h = a.slice(), v = "", m = -1, g = void 0, k = f.skipOptionalPartCharacter; f.skipOptionalPartCharacter = "", o.resetMaskSet.call(s), c.tests = {}, m = f.radixPoint ? o.determineNewCaretPosition.call(s, { begin: 0, end: 0 }, !1, !1 === f.__financeInput ? "radixFocus" : void 0).begin : 0, c.p = m, s.caretPos = { begin: m }; var y = [], b = s.caretPos; if (h.forEach((function(e, t) { if (void 0 !== e) { var a = new d.Event("_checkval"); a.keyCode = e.toString().charCodeAt(0), v += e; var n = o.getLastValidPosition.call(s, void 0, !0); !function(e, t) { for (var i = r.getMaskTemplate.call(s, !0, 0).slice(e, o.seekNext.call(s, e, !1, !1)).join("").replace(/'/g, ""), a = i.indexOf(t); a > 0 && " " === i[a - 1]; ) a--; var n = 0 === a && !o.isMask.call(s, e) && (r.getTest.call(s, e).match.nativeDef === t.charAt(0) || !0 === r.getTest.call(s, e).match.static && r.getTest.call(s, e).match.nativeDef === "'" + t.charAt(0) || " " === r.getTest.call(s, e).match.nativeDef && (r.getTest.call(s, e + 1).match.nativeDef === t.charAt(0) || !0 === r.getTest.call(s, e + 1).match.static && r.getTest.call(s, e + 1).match.nativeDef === "'" + t.charAt(0))); if (!n && a > 0 && !o.isMask.call(s, e, !1, !0)) { var l = o.seekNext.call(s, e); s.caretPos.begin < l && (s.caretPos = { begin: l }); } return n; }(m, v) ? (g = u.EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(s, a, !0, !1, i, s.caretPos.begin)) && (m = s.caretPos.begin + 1, v = "") : g = u.EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(s, a, !0, !1, i, n + 1), g ? (void 0 !== g.pos && c.validPositions[g.pos] && !0 === c.validPositions[g.pos].match.static && void 0 === c.validPositions[g.pos].alternation && (y.push(g.pos), s.isRTL || (g.forwardPosition = g.pos + 1)), p.call(s, void 0, o.getBuffer.call(s), g.forwardPosition, a, !1), s.caretPos = { begin: g.forwardPosition, end: g.forwardPosition }, b = s.caretPos) : void 0 === c.validPositions[t] && h[t] === r.getPlaceholder.call(s, t) && o.isMask.call(s, t, !0) ? s.caretPos.begin++ : s.caretPos = b; } })), y.length > 0) { var x, P, E = o.seekNext.call(s, -1, void 0, !1); if (!l.isComplete.call(s, o.getBuffer.call(s)) && y.length <= E || l.isComplete.call(s, o.getBuffer.call(s)) && y.length > 0 && y.length !== E && 0 === y[0]) for (var S = E; void 0 !== (x = y.shift()); ) { var _ = new d.Event("_checkval"); if ((P = c.validPositions[x]).generatedInput = !0, _.keyCode = P.input.charCodeAt(0), (g = u.EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(s, _, !0, !1, i, S)) && void 0 !== g.pos && g.pos !== x && c.validPositions[g.pos] && !0 === c.validPositions[g.pos].match.static) y.push(g.pos); else if (!g) break; S++; } } t && p.call(s, e, o.getBuffer.call(s), g ? g.forwardPosition : s.caretPos.begin, n || new d.Event("checkval"), n && ("input" === n.type && s.undoValue !== o.getBuffer.call(s).join("") || "paste" === n.type)), f.skipOptionalPartCharacter = k; } function p(e, t, i, a, r) { var s = e ? e.inputmask : this, u = s.opts, c = s.dependencyLib; if (a && "function" == typeof u.onBeforeWrite) { var f = u.onBeforeWrite.call(s, a, t, i, u); if (f) { if (f.refreshFromBuffer) { var d = f.refreshFromBuffer; l.refreshFromBuffer.call(s, !0 === d ? d : d.start, d.end, f.buffer || t), t = o.getBuffer.call(s, !0); } void 0 !== i && (i = void 0 !== f.caret ? f.caret : i); } } if (void 0 !== e && (e.inputmask._valueSet(t.join("")), void 0 === i || void 0 !== a && "blur" === a.type || o.caret.call(s, e, i, void 0, void 0, void 0 !== a && "keydown" === a.type && (a.keyCode === n.default.DELETE || a.keyCode === n.default.BACKSPACE)), !0 === r)) { var p = c(e), h = e.inputmask._valueGet(); e.inputmask.skipInputEvent = !0, p.trigger("input"), setTimeout((function() { h === o.getBufferTemplate.call(s).join("") ? p.trigger("cleared") : !0 === l.isComplete.call(s, t) && p.trigger("complete"); }), 0); } } }, 2394: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0, i(7149), i(3194); var a = i(157), n = m(i(4963)), r = m(i(9380)), o = i(2391), l = i(4713), s = i(8711), u = i(7215), c = i(7760), f = i(9716), d = m(i(7392)), p = m(i(3976)), h = m(i(8741)); function v(e) { return v = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, v(e); } function m(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var g = r.default.document, k = "_inputmask_opts"; function y(e, t, i) { if (h.default) { if (!(this instanceof y)) return new y(e, t, i); this.dependencyLib = n.default, this.el = void 0, this.events = {}, this.maskset = void 0, !0 !== i && ("[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) ? t = e : (t = t || {}, e && (t.alias = e)), this.opts = n.default.extend(!0, {}, this.defaults, t), this.noMasksCache = t && void 0 !== t.definitions, this.userOptions = t || {}, b(this.opts.alias, t, this.opts)), this.refreshValue = !1, this.undoValue = void 0, this.$el = void 0, this.skipKeyPressEvent = !1, this.skipInputEvent = !1, this.validationEvent = !1, this.ignorable = !1, this.maxLength, this.mouseEnter = !1, this.originalPlaceholder = void 0, this.isComposing = !1; } } function b(e, t, i) { var a = y.prototype.aliases[e]; return a ? (a.alias && b(a.alias, void 0, i), n.default.extend(!0, i, a), n.default.extend(!0, i, t), !0) : (null === i.mask && (i.mask = e), !1); } y.prototype = { dataAttribute: "data-inputmask", defaults: p.default, definitions: d.default, aliases: {}, masksCache: {}, get isRTL() { return this.opts.isRTL || this.opts.numericInput; }, mask: function(e) { var t = this; return "string" == typeof e && (e = g.getElementById(e) || g.querySelectorAll(e)), (e = e.nodeName ? [ e ] : Array.isArray(e) ? e : Array.from(e)).forEach((function(e, i) { var l = n.default.extend(!0, {}, t.opts); if (function(e, t, i, a) { function o(t, n) { var o = "" === a ? t : a + "-" + t; null !== (n = void 0 !== n ? n : e.getAttribute(o)) && ("string" == typeof n && (0 === t.indexOf("on") ? n = r.default[n] : "false" === n ? n = !1 : "true" === n && (n = !0)), i[t] = n); } if (!0 === t.importDataAttributes) { var l, s, u, c, f = e.getAttribute(a); if (f && "" !== f && (f = f.replace(/'/g, '"'), s = JSON.parse("{" + f + "}")), s) for (c in u = void 0, s) if ("alias" === c.toLowerCase()) { u = s[c]; break; } for (l in o("alias", u), i.alias && b(i.alias, i, t), t) { if (s) for (c in u = void 0, s) if (c.toLowerCase() === l.toLowerCase()) { u = s[c]; break; } o(l, u); } } n.default.extend(!0, t, i), ("rtl" === e.dir || t.rightAlign) && (e.style.textAlign = "right"); ("rtl" === e.dir || t.numericInput) && (e.dir = "ltr", e.removeAttribute("dir"), t.isRTL = !0); return Object.keys(i).length; }(e, l, n.default.extend(!0, {}, t.userOptions), t.dataAttribute)) { var s = (0, o.generateMaskSet)(l, t.noMasksCache); void 0 !== s && (void 0 !== e.inputmask && (e.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask = !0, e.inputmask.remove()), e.inputmask = new y(void 0, void 0, !0), e.inputmask.opts = l, e.inputmask.noMasksCache = t.noMasksCache, e.inputmask.userOptions = n.default.extend(!0, {}, t.userOptions), e.inputmask.el = e, e.inputmask.$el = (0, n.default)(e), e.inputmask.maskset = s, n.default.data(e, k, t.userOptions), a.mask.call(e.inputmask)); } })), e && e[0] && e[0].inputmask || this; }, option: function(e, t) { return "string" == typeof e ? this.opts[e] : "object" === v(e) ? (n.default.extend(this.userOptions, e), this.el && !0 !== t && this.mask(this.el), this) : void 0; }, unmaskedvalue: function(e) { if (this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), void 0 === this.el || void 0 !== e) { var t = ("function" == typeof this.opts.onBeforeMask && this.opts.onBeforeMask.call(this, e, this.opts) || e).split(""); c.checkVal.call(this, void 0, !1, !1, t), "function" == typeof this.opts.onBeforeWrite && this.opts.onBeforeWrite.call(this, void 0, s.getBuffer.call(this), 0, this.opts); } return c.unmaskedvalue.call(this, this.el); }, remove: function() { if (this.el) { n.default.data(this.el, k, null); var e = this.opts.autoUnmask ? (0, c.unmaskedvalue)(this.el) : this._valueGet(this.opts.autoUnmask); e !== s.getBufferTemplate.call(this).join("") ? this._valueSet(e, this.opts.autoUnmask) : this._valueSet(""), f.EventRuler.off(this.el), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(this.el), "value") && this.__valueGet && Object.defineProperty(this.el, "value", { get: this.__valueGet, set: this.__valueSet, configurable: !0 }) : g.__lookupGetter__ && this.el.__lookupGetter__("value") && this.__valueGet && (this.el.__defineGetter__("value", this.__valueGet), this.el.__defineSetter__("value", this.__valueSet)), this.el.inputmask = void 0; } return this.el; }, getemptymask: function() { return this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), s.getBufferTemplate.call(this).join(""); }, hasMaskedValue: function() { return !this.opts.autoUnmask; }, isComplete: function() { return this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), u.isComplete.call(this, s.getBuffer.call(this)); }, getmetadata: function() { if (this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), Array.isArray(this.maskset.metadata)) { var e = l.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !0, 0, !1).join(""); return this.maskset.metadata.forEach((function(t) { return t.mask !== e || (e = t, !1); })), e; } return this.maskset.metadata; }, isValid: function(e) { if (this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache), e) { var t = ("function" == typeof this.opts.onBeforeMask && this.opts.onBeforeMask.call(this, e, this.opts) || e).split(""); c.checkVal.call(this, void 0, !0, !1, t); } else e = this.isRTL ? s.getBuffer.call(this).slice().reverse().join("") : s.getBuffer.call(this).join(""); for (var i = s.getBuffer.call(this), a = s.determineLastRequiredPosition.call(this), n = i.length - 1; n > a && !s.isMask.call(this, n); n--) ; return i.splice(a, n + 1 - a), u.isComplete.call(this, i) && e === (this.isRTL ? s.getBuffer.call(this).slice().reverse().join("") : s.getBuffer.call(this).join("")); }, format: function(e, t) { this.maskset = this.maskset || (0, o.generateMaskSet)(this.opts, this.noMasksCache); var i = ("function" == typeof this.opts.onBeforeMask && this.opts.onBeforeMask.call(this, e, this.opts) || e).split(""); c.checkVal.call(this, void 0, !0, !1, i); var a = this.isRTL ? s.getBuffer.call(this).slice().reverse().join("") : s.getBuffer.call(this).join(""); return t ? { value: a, metadata: this.getmetadata() } : a; }, setValue: function(e) { this.el && (0, n.default)(this.el).trigger("setvalue", [ e ]); }, analyseMask: o.analyseMask }, y.extendDefaults = function(e) { n.default.extend(!0, y.prototype.defaults, e); }, y.extendDefinitions = function(e) { n.default.extend(!0, y.prototype.definitions, e); }, y.extendAliases = function(e) { n.default.extend(!0, y.prototype.aliases, e); }, y.format = function(e, t, i) { return y(t).format(e, i); }, y.unmask = function(e, t) { return y(t).unmaskedvalue(e); }, y.isValid = function(e, t) { return y(t).isValid(e); }, y.remove = function(e) { "string" == typeof e && (e = g.getElementById(e) || g.querySelectorAll(e)), (e = e.nodeName ? [ e ] : e).forEach((function(e) { e.inputmask && e.inputmask.remove(); })); }, y.setValue = function(e, t) { "string" == typeof e && (e = g.getElementById(e) || g.querySelectorAll(e)), (e = e.nodeName ? [ e ] : e).forEach((function(e) { e.inputmask ? e.inputmask.setValue(t) : (0, n.default)(e).trigger("setvalue", [ t ]); })); }, y.dependencyLib = n.default, r.default.Inputmask = y; var x = y; t.default = x; }, 5296: function(e, t, i) { function a(e) { return a = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, a(e); } var n = h(i(9380)), r = h(i(2394)), o = h(i(8741)); function l(e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var a = t[i]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, a.key, a); } } function s(e, t) { if (t && ("object" === a(t) || "function" == typeof t)) return t; if (void 0 !== t) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return function(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e; }(e); } function u(e) { var t = "function" == typeof Map ? new Map : void 0; return u = function(e) { if (null === e || (i = e, -1 === Function.toString.call(i).indexOf("[native code]"))) return e; var i; if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); if (void 0 !== t) { if (t.has(e)) return t.get(e); t.set(e, a); } function a() { return c(e, arguments, p(this).constructor); } return a.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), d(a, e); }, u(e); } function c(e, t, i) { return c = f() ? Reflect.construct : function(e, t, i) { var a = [ null ]; a.push.apply(a, t); var n = new (Function.bind.apply(e, a)); return i && d(n, i.prototype), n; }, c.apply(null, arguments); } function f() { if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0; try { return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {}))), !0; } catch (e) { return !1; } } function d(e, t) { return d = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(e, t) { return e.__proto__ = t, e; }, d(e, t); } function p(e) { return p = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e); }, p(e); } function h(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var v = n.default.document; if (o.default && v && v.head && v.head.attachShadow && n.default.customElements && void 0 === n.default.customElements.get("input-mask")) { var m = function(e) { !function(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { value: Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), writable: !1 }), t && d(e, t); }(c, e); var t, i, a, n, o, u = (t = c, i = f(), function() { var e, a = p(t); if (i) { var n = p(this).constructor; e = Reflect.construct(a, arguments, n); } else e = a.apply(this, arguments); return s(this, e); }); function c() { var e; !function(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }(this, c); var t = (e = u.call(this)).getAttributeNames(), i = e.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" }), a = v.createElement("input"); for (var n in a.type = "text", i.appendChild(a), t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n) && a.setAttribute(t[n], e.getAttribute(t[n])); var o = new r.default; return o.dataAttribute = "", o.mask(a), a.inputmask.shadowRoot = i, e; } return a = c, n && l(a.prototype, n), o && l(a, o), Object.defineProperty(a, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), a; }(u(HTMLElement)); n.default.customElements.define("input-mask", m); } }, 2391: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.analyseMask = function(e, t, i) { var a, o, l, s, u, c, f = /(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9+*]+(?:,[0-9+*]*)?(?:\|[0-9+*]*)?\})|[^.?*+^${[]()|\\]+|./g, d = /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g, p = !1, h = new n.default, v = [], m = [], g = !1; function k(e, a, n) { n = void 0 !== n ? n : e.matches.length; var o = e.matches[n - 1]; if (t) 0 === a.indexOf("[") || p && /\\d|\\s|\\w/i.test(a) || "." === a ? e.matches.splice(n++, 0, { fn: new RegExp(a, i.casing ? "i" : ""), static: !1, optionality: !1, newBlockMarker: void 0 === o ? "master" : o.def !== a, casing: null, def: a, placeholder: void 0, nativeDef: a }) : (p && (a = a[a.length - 1]), a.split("").forEach((function(t, a) { o = e.matches[n - 1], e.matches.splice(n++, 0, { fn: /[a-z]/i.test(i.staticDefinitionSymbol || t) ? new RegExp("[" + (i.staticDefinitionSymbol || t) + "]", i.casing ? "i" : "") : null, static: !0, optionality: !1, newBlockMarker: void 0 === o ? "master" : o.def !== t && !0 !== o.static, casing: null, def: i.staticDefinitionSymbol || t, placeholder: void 0 !== i.staticDefinitionSymbol ? t : void 0, nativeDef: (p ? "'" : "") + t }); }))), p = !1; else { var l = i.definitions && i.definitions[a] || i.usePrototypeDefinitions && r.default.prototype.definitions[a]; l && !p ? e.matches.splice(n++, 0, { fn: l.validator ? "string" == typeof l.validator ? new RegExp(l.validator, i.casing ? "i" : "") : new function() { this.test = l.validator; } : new RegExp("."), static: l.static || !1, optionality: l.optional || !1, newBlockMarker: void 0 === o || l.optional ? "master" : o.def !== (l.definitionSymbol || a), casing: l.casing, def: l.definitionSymbol || a, placeholder: l.placeholder, nativeDef: a, generated: l.generated }) : (e.matches.splice(n++, 0, { fn: /[a-z]/i.test(i.staticDefinitionSymbol || a) ? new RegExp("[" + (i.staticDefinitionSymbol || a) + "]", i.casing ? "i" : "") : null, static: !0, optionality: !1, newBlockMarker: void 0 === o ? "master" : o.def !== a && !0 !== o.static, casing: null, def: i.staticDefinitionSymbol || a, placeholder: void 0 !== i.staticDefinitionSymbol ? a : void 0, nativeDef: (p ? "'" : "") + a }), p = !1); } } function y() { if (v.length > 0) { if (k(s = v[v.length - 1], o), s.isAlternator) { u = v.pop(); for (var e = 0; e < u.matches.length; e++) u.matches[e].isGroup && (u.matches[e].isGroup = !1); v.length > 0 ? (s = v[v.length - 1]).matches.push(u) : h.matches.push(u); } } else k(h, o); } function b(e) { var t = new n.default(!0); return t.openGroup = !1, t.matches = e, t; } function x() { if ((l = v.pop()).openGroup = !1, void 0 !== l) if (v.length > 0) { if ((s = v[v.length - 1]).matches.push(l), s.isAlternator) { for (var e = (u = v.pop()).matches[0].matches ? u.matches[0].matches.length : 1, t = 0; t < u.matches.length; t++) u.matches[t].isGroup = !1, u.matches[t].alternatorGroup = !1, null === i.keepStatic && e < (u.matches[t].matches ? u.matches[t].matches.length : 1) && (i.keepStatic = !0), e = u.matches[t].matches ? u.matches[t].matches.length : 1; v.length > 0 ? (s = v[v.length - 1]).matches.push(u) : h.matches.push(u); } } else h.matches.push(l); else y(); } function P(e) { var t = e.pop(); return t.isQuantifier && (t = b([ e.pop(), t ])), t; } t && (i.optionalmarker[0] = void 0, i.optionalmarker[1] = void 0); for (;a = t ? d.exec(e) : f.exec(e); ) { if (o = a[0], t) { switch (o.charAt(0)) { case "?": o = "{0,1}"; break; case "+": case "*": o = "{" + o + "}"; break; case "|": if (0 === v.length) { var E = b(h.matches); E.openGroup = !0, v.push(E), h.matches = [], g = !0; } } if ("\\d" === o) o = "[0-9]"; } if (p) y(); else switch (o.charAt(0)) { case "$": case "^": t || y(); break; case i.escapeChar: p = !0, t && y(); break; case i.optionalmarker[1]: case i.groupmarker[1]: x(); break; case i.optionalmarker[0]: v.push(new n.default(!1, !0)); break; case i.groupmarker[0]: v.push(new n.default(!0)); break; case i.quantifiermarker[0]: var S = new n.default(!1, !1, !0), _ = (o = o.replace(/[{}?]/g, "")).split("|"), w = _[0].split(","), M = isNaN(w[0]) ? w[0] : parseInt(w[0]), O = 1 === w.length ? M : isNaN(w[1]) ? w[1] : parseInt(w[1]), T = isNaN(_[1]) ? _[1] : parseInt(_[1]); "*" !== M && "+" !== M || (M = "*" === O ? 0 : 1), S.quantifier = { min: M, max: O, jit: T }; var C = v.length > 0 ? v[v.length - 1].matches : h.matches; if ((a = C.pop()).isAlternator) { C.push(a), C = a.matches; var A = new n.default(!0), D = C.pop(); C.push(A), C = A.matches, a = D; } a.isGroup || (a = b([ a ])), C.push(a), C.push(S); break; case i.alternatormarker: if (v.length > 0) { var j = (s = v[v.length - 1]).matches[s.matches.length - 1]; c = s.openGroup && (void 0 === j.matches || !1 === j.isGroup && !1 === j.isAlternator) ? v.pop() : P(s.matches); } else c = P(h.matches); if (c.isAlternator) v.push(c); else if (c.alternatorGroup ? (u = v.pop(), c.alternatorGroup = !1) : u = new n.default(!1, !1, !1, !0), u.matches.push(c), v.push(u), c.openGroup) { c.openGroup = !1; var B = new n.default(!0); B.alternatorGroup = !0, v.push(B); } break; default: y(); } } g && x(); for (;v.length > 0; ) l = v.pop(), h.matches.push(l); h.matches.length > 0 && (!function e(a) { a && a.matches && a.matches.forEach((function(n, r) { var o = a.matches[r + 1]; (void 0 === o || void 0 === o.matches || !1 === o.isQuantifier) && n && n.isGroup && (n.isGroup = !1, t || (k(n, i.groupmarker[0], 0), !0 !== n.openGroup && k(n, i.groupmarker[1]))), e(n); })); }(h), m.push(h)); (i.numericInput || i.isRTL) && function e(t) { for (var a in t.matches = t.matches.reverse(), t.matches) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t.matches, a)) { var n = parseInt(a); if (t.matches[a].isQuantifier && t.matches[n + 1] && t.matches[n + 1].isGroup) { var r = t.matches[a]; t.matches.splice(a, 1), t.matches.splice(n + 1, 0, r); } void 0 !== t.matches[a].matches ? t.matches[a] = e(t.matches[a]) : t.matches[a] = ((o = t.matches[a]) === i.optionalmarker[0] ? o = i.optionalmarker[1] : o === i.optionalmarker[1] ? o = i.optionalmarker[0] : o === i.groupmarker[0] ? o = i.groupmarker[1] : o === i.groupmarker[1] && (o = i.groupmarker[0]), o); } var o; return t; }(m[0]); return m; }, t.generateMaskSet = function(e, t) { var i; function n(e, i, n) { var o, l, s = !1; if (null !== e && "" !== e || ((s = null !== n.regex) ? e = (e = n.regex).replace(/^(\^)(.*)(\$)$/, "$2") : (s = !0, e = ".*")), 1 === e.length && !1 === n.greedy && 0 !== n.repeat && (n.placeholder = ""), n.repeat > 0 || "*" === n.repeat || "+" === n.repeat) { var u = "*" === n.repeat ? 0 : "+" === n.repeat ? 1 : n.repeat; e = n.groupmarker[0] + e + n.groupmarker[1] + n.quantifiermarker[0] + u + "," + n.repeat + n.quantifiermarker[1]; } return l = s ? "regex_" + n.regex : n.numericInput ? e.split("").reverse().join("") : e, null !== n.keepStatic && (l = "ks_" + n.keepStatic + l), void 0 === r.default.prototype.masksCache[l] || !0 === t ? (o = { mask: e, maskToken: r.default.prototype.analyseMask(e, s, n), validPositions: {}, _buffer: void 0, buffer: void 0, tests: {}, excludes: {}, metadata: i, maskLength: void 0, jitOffset: {} }, !0 !== t && (r.default.prototype.masksCache[l] = o, o = a.default.extend(!0, {}, r.default.prototype.masksCache[l]))) : o = a.default.extend(!0, {}, r.default.prototype.masksCache[l]), o; } "function" == typeof e.mask && (e.mask = e.mask(e)); if (Array.isArray(e.mask)) { if (e.mask.length > 1) { null === e.keepStatic && (e.keepStatic = !0); var o = e.groupmarker[0]; return (e.isRTL ? e.mask.reverse() : e.mask).forEach((function(t) { o.length > 1 && (o += e.alternatormarker), void 0 !== t.mask && "function" != typeof t.mask ? o += t.mask : o += t; })), n(o += e.groupmarker[1], e.mask, e); } e.mask = e.mask.pop(); } i = e.mask && void 0 !== e.mask.mask && "function" != typeof e.mask.mask ? n(e.mask.mask, e.mask, e) : n(e.mask, e.mask, e); null === e.keepStatic && (e.keepStatic = !1); return i; }; var a = o(i(4963)), n = o(i(9695)), r = o(i(2394)); function o(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } }, 157: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.mask = function() { var e = this, t = this.opts, i = this.el, a = this.dependencyLib; l.EventRuler.off(i); var f = function(t, i) { "textarea" !== t.tagName.toLowerCase() && i.ignorables.push(n.default.ENTER); var s = t.getAttribute("type"), u = "input" === t.tagName.toLowerCase() && i.supportsInputType.includes(s) || t.isContentEditable || "textarea" === t.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (!u) if ("input" === t.tagName.toLowerCase()) { var c = document.createElement("input"); c.setAttribute("type", s), u = "text" === c.type, c = null; } else u = "partial"; return !1 !== u ? function(t) { var n, s; function u() { return this.inputmask ? this.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask ? this.inputmask.unmaskedvalue() : -1 !== r.getLastValidPosition.call(e) || !0 !== i.nullable ? (this.inputmask.shadowRoot || this.ownerDocument).activeElement === this && i.clearMaskOnLostFocus ? (e.isRTL ? o.clearOptionalTail.call(e, r.getBuffer.call(e).slice()).reverse() : o.clearOptionalTail.call(e, r.getBuffer.call(e).slice())).join("") : n.call(this) : "" : n.call(this); } function c(e) { s.call(this, e), this.inputmask && (0, o.applyInputValue)(this, e); } if (!t.inputmask.__valueGet) { if (!0 !== i.noValuePatching) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) { var f = Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(t), "value") : void 0; f && f.get && f.set ? (n = f.get, s = f.set, Object.defineProperty(t, "value", { get: u, set: c, configurable: !0 })) : "input" !== t.tagName.toLowerCase() && (n = function() { return this.textContent; }, s = function(e) { this.textContent = e; }, Object.defineProperty(t, "value", { get: u, set: c, configurable: !0 })); } else document.__lookupGetter__ && t.__lookupGetter__("value") && (n = t.__lookupGetter__("value"), s = t.__lookupSetter__("value"), t.__defineGetter__("value", u), t.__defineSetter__("value", c)); t.inputmask.__valueGet = n, t.inputmask.__valueSet = s; } t.inputmask._valueGet = function(t) { return e.isRTL && !0 !== t ? n.call(this.el).split("").reverse().join("") : n.call(this.el); }, t.inputmask._valueSet = function(t, i) { s.call(this.el, null == t ? "" : !0 !== i && e.isRTL ? t.split("").reverse().join("") : t); }, void 0 === n && (n = function() { return this.value; }, s = function(e) { this.value = e; }, function(t) { if (a.valHooks && (void 0 === a.valHooks[t] || !0 !== a.valHooks[t].inputmaskpatch)) { var n = a.valHooks[t] && a.valHooks[t].get ? a.valHooks[t].get : function(e) { return e.value; }, l = a.valHooks[t] && a.valHooks[t].set ? a.valHooks[t].set : function(e, t) { return e.value = t, e; }; a.valHooks[t] = { get: function(t) { if (t.inputmask) { if (t.inputmask.opts.autoUnmask) return t.inputmask.unmaskedvalue(); var a = n(t); return -1 !== r.getLastValidPosition.call(e, void 0, void 0, t.inputmask.maskset.validPositions) || !0 !== i.nullable ? a : ""; } return n(t); }, set: function(e, t) { var i = l(e, t); return e.inputmask && (0, o.applyInputValue)(e, t), i; }, inputmaskpatch: !0 }; } }(t.type), function(t) { l.EventRuler.on(t, "mouseenter", (function() { var t = this.inputmask._valueGet(!0); t !== (e.isRTL ? r.getBuffer.call(e).reverse() : r.getBuffer.call(e)).join("") && (0, o.applyInputValue)(this, t); })); }(t)); } }(t) : t.inputmask = void 0, u; }(i, t); if (!1 !== f) { e.originalPlaceholder = i.placeholder, e.maxLength = void 0 !== i ? i.maxLength : void 0, -1 === e.maxLength && (e.maxLength = void 0), "inputMode" in i && null === i.getAttribute("inputmode") && (i.inputMode = t.inputmode, i.setAttribute("inputmode", t.inputmode)), !0 === f && (t.showMaskOnFocus = t.showMaskOnFocus && -1 === [ "cc-number", "cc-exp" ].indexOf(i.autocomplete), s.iphone && (t.insertModeVisual = !1), l.EventRuler.on(i, "submit", c.EventHandlers.submitEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "reset", c.EventHandlers.resetEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "blur", c.EventHandlers.blurEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "focus", c.EventHandlers.focusEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "invalid", c.EventHandlers.invalidEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "click", c.EventHandlers.clickEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "mouseleave", c.EventHandlers.mouseleaveEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "mouseenter", c.EventHandlers.mouseenterEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "paste", c.EventHandlers.pasteEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "cut", c.EventHandlers.cutEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "complete", t.oncomplete), l.EventRuler.on(i, "incomplete", t.onincomplete), l.EventRuler.on(i, "cleared", t.oncleared), !0 !== t.inputEventOnly && (l.EventRuler.on(i, "keydown", c.EventHandlers.keydownEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "keypress", c.EventHandlers.keypressEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "keyup", c.EventHandlers.keyupEvent)), (s.mobile || t.inputEventOnly) && i.removeAttribute("maxLength"), l.EventRuler.on(i, "input", c.EventHandlers.inputFallBackEvent), l.EventRuler.on(i, "compositionend", c.EventHandlers.compositionendEvent)), l.EventRuler.on(i, "setvalue", c.EventHandlers.setValueEvent), r.getBufferTemplate.call(e).join(""), e.undoValue = e._valueGet(!0); var d = (i.inputmask.shadowRoot || i.ownerDocument).activeElement; if ("" !== i.inputmask._valueGet(!0) || !1 === t.clearMaskOnLostFocus || d === i) { (0, o.applyInputValue)(i, i.inputmask._valueGet(!0), t); var p = r.getBuffer.call(e).slice(); !1 === u.isComplete.call(e, p) && t.clearIncomplete && r.resetMaskSet.call(e), t.clearMaskOnLostFocus && d !== i && (-1 === r.getLastValidPosition.call(e) ? p = [] : o.clearOptionalTail.call(e, p)), (!1 === t.clearMaskOnLostFocus || t.showMaskOnFocus && d === i || "" !== i.inputmask._valueGet(!0)) && (0, o.writeBuffer)(i, p), d === i && r.caret.call(e, i, r.seekNext.call(e, r.getLastValidPosition.call(e))); } } }; var a, n = (a = i(5581)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }, r = i(8711), o = i(7760), l = i(9716), s = i(9845), u = i(7215), c = i(6030); }, 9695: function(e, t) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = function(e, t, i, a) { this.matches = [], this.openGroup = e || !1, this.alternatorGroup = !1, this.isGroup = e || !1, this.isOptional = t || !1, this.isQuantifier = i || !1, this.isAlternator = a || !1, this.quantifier = { min: 1, max: 1 }; }; }, 3194: function() { Array.prototype.includes || Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "includes", { value: function(e, t) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); var i = Object(this), a = i.length >>> 0; if (0 === a) return !1; for (var n = 0 | t, r = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : a - Math.abs(n), 0); r < a; ) { if (i[r] === e) return !0; r++; } return !1; } }); }, 7149: function() { function e(t) { return e = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, e(t); } "function" != typeof Object.getPrototypeOf && (Object.getPrototypeOf = "object" === e("test".__proto__) ? function(e) { return e.__proto__; } : function(e) { return e.constructor.prototype; }); }, 8711: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.caret = function(e, t, i, a, n) { var r, o = this, l = this.opts; if (void 0 === t) return "selectionStart" in e && "selectionEnd" in e ? (t = e.selectionStart, i = e.selectionEnd) : window.getSelection ? (r = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0)).commonAncestorContainer.parentNode !== e && r.commonAncestorContainer !== e || (t = r.startOffset, i = r.endOffset) : document.selection && document.selection.createRange && (r = document.selection.createRange(), t = 0 - r.duplicate().moveStart("character", -e.inputmask._valueGet().length), i = t + r.text.length), { begin: a ? t : u.call(o, t), end: a ? i : u.call(o, i) }; if (Array.isArray(t) && (i = o.isRTL ? t[0] : t[1], t = o.isRTL ? t[1] : t[0]), void 0 !== t.begin && (i = o.isRTL ? t.begin : t.end, t = o.isRTL ? t.end : t.begin), "number" == typeof t) { t = a ? t : u.call(o, t), i = "number" == typeof (i = a ? i : u.call(o, i)) ? i : t; var s = parseInt(((e.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle ? (e.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(e, null) : e.currentStyle).fontSize) * i; if (e.scrollLeft = s > e.scrollWidth ? s : 0, e.inputmask.caretPos = { begin: t, end: i }, l.insertModeVisual && !1 === l.insertMode && t === i && (n || i++), e === (e.inputmask.shadowRoot || e.ownerDocument).activeElement) if ("setSelectionRange" in e) e.setSelectionRange(t, i); else if (window.getSelection) { if (r = document.createRange(), void 0 === e.firstChild || null === e.firstChild) { var c = document.createTextNode(""); e.appendChild(c); } r.setStart(e.firstChild, t < e.inputmask._valueGet().length ? t : e.inputmask._valueGet().length), r.setEnd(e.firstChild, i < e.inputmask._valueGet().length ? i : e.inputmask._valueGet().length), r.collapse(!0); var f = window.getSelection(); f.removeAllRanges(), f.addRange(r); } else e.createTextRange && ((r = e.createTextRange()).collapse(!0), r.moveEnd("character", i), r.moveStart("character", t), r.select()); } }, t.determineLastRequiredPosition = function(e) { var t, i, r = this, l = this.maskset, s = this.dependencyLib, u = a.getMaskTemplate.call(r, !0, o.call(r), !0, !0), c = u.length, f = o.call(r), d = {}, p = l.validPositions[f], h = void 0 !== p ? p.locator.slice() : void 0; for (t = f + 1; t < u.length; t++) i = a.getTestTemplate.call(r, t, h, t - 1), h = i.locator.slice(), d[t] = s.extend(!0, {}, i); var v = p && void 0 !== p.alternation ? p.locator[p.alternation] : void 0; for (t = c - 1; t > f && (((i = d[t]).match.optionality || i.match.optionalQuantifier && i.match.newBlockMarker || v && (v !== d[t].locator[p.alternation] && 1 != i.match.static || !0 === i.match.static && i.locator[p.alternation] && n.checkAlternationMatch.call(r, i.locator[p.alternation].toString().split(","), v.toString().split(",")) && "" !== a.getTests.call(r, t)[0].def)) && u[t] === a.getPlaceholder.call(r, t, i.match)); t--) c--; return e ? { l: c, def: d[c] ? d[c].match : void 0 } : c; }, t.determineNewCaretPosition = function(e, t, i) { var n = this, u = this.maskset, c = this.opts; t && (n.isRTL ? e.end = e.begin : e.begin = e.end); if (e.begin === e.end) { switch (i = i || c.positionCaretOnClick) { case "none": break; case "select": e = { begin: 0, end: r.call(n).length }; break; case "ignore": e.end = e.begin = s.call(n, o.call(n)); break; case "radixFocus": if (function(e) { if ("" !== c.radixPoint && 0 !== c.digits) { var t = u.validPositions; if (void 0 === t[e] || t[e].input === a.getPlaceholder.call(n, e)) { if (e < s.call(n, -1)) return !0; var i = r.call(n).indexOf(c.radixPoint); if (-1 !== i) { for (var o in t) if (t[o] && i < o && t[o].input !== a.getPlaceholder.call(n, o)) return !1; return !0; } } } return !1; }(e.begin)) { var f = r.call(n).join("").indexOf(c.radixPoint); e.end = e.begin = c.numericInput ? s.call(n, f) : f; break; } default: var d = e.begin, p = o.call(n, d, !0), h = s.call(n, -1 !== p || l.call(n, 0) ? p : -1); if (d <= h) e.end = e.begin = l.call(n, d, !1, !0) ? d : s.call(n, d); else { var v = u.validPositions[p], m = a.getTestTemplate.call(n, h, v ? v.match.locator : void 0, v), g = a.getPlaceholder.call(n, h, m.match); if ("" !== g && r.call(n)[h] !== g && !0 !== m.match.optionalQuantifier && !0 !== m.match.newBlockMarker || !l.call(n, h, c.keepStatic, !0) && m.match.def === g) { var k = s.call(n, h); (d >= k || d === h) && (h = k); } e.end = e.begin = h; } } return e; } }, t.getBuffer = r, t.getBufferTemplate = function() { var e = this.maskset; void 0 === e._buffer && (e._buffer = a.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !1, 1), void 0 === e.buffer && (e.buffer = e._buffer.slice())); return e._buffer; }, t.getLastValidPosition = o, t.isMask = l, t.resetMaskSet = function(e) { var t = this.maskset; t.buffer = void 0, !0 !== e && (t.validPositions = {}, t.p = 0); }, t.seekNext = s, t.seekPrevious = function(e, t) { var i = this, n = e - 1; if (e <= 0) return 0; for (;n > 0 && (!0 === t && (!0 !== a.getTest.call(i, n).match.newBlockMarker || !l.call(i, n, void 0, !0)) || !0 !== t && !l.call(i, n, void 0, !0)); ) n--; return n; }, t.translatePosition = u; var a = i(4713), n = i(7215); function r(e) { var t = this.maskset; return void 0 !== t.buffer && !0 !== e || (t.buffer = a.getMaskTemplate.call(this, !0, o.call(this), !0), void 0 === t._buffer && (t._buffer = t.buffer.slice())), t.buffer; } function o(e, t, i) { var a = this.maskset, n = -1, r = -1, o = i || a.validPositions; for (var l in void 0 === e && (e = -1), o) { var s = parseInt(l); o[s] && (t || !0 !== o[s].generatedInput) && (s <= e && (n = s), s >= e && (r = s)); } return -1 === n || n == e ? r : -1 == r || e - n < r - e ? n : r; } function l(e, t, i) { var n = this, r = this.maskset, o = a.getTestTemplate.call(n, e).match; if ("" === o.def && (o = a.getTest.call(n, e).match), !0 !== o.static) return o.fn; if (!0 === i && void 0 !== r.validPositions[e] && !0 !== r.validPositions[e].generatedInput) return !0; if (!0 !== t && e > -1) { if (i) { var l = a.getTests.call(n, e); return l.length > 1 + ("" === l[l.length - 1].match.def ? 1 : 0); } var s = a.determineTestTemplate.call(n, e, a.getTests.call(n, e)), u = a.getPlaceholder.call(n, e, s.match); return s.match.def !== u; } return !1; } function s(e, t, i) { var n = this; void 0 === i && (i = !0); for (var r = e + 1; "" !== a.getTest.call(n, r).match.def && (!0 === t && (!0 !== a.getTest.call(n, r).match.newBlockMarker || !l.call(n, r, void 0, !0)) || !0 !== t && !l.call(n, r, void 0, i)); ) r++; return r; } function u(e) { var t = this.opts, i = this.el; return !this.isRTL || "number" != typeof e || t.greedy && "" === t.placeholder || !i || (e = Math.abs(this._valueGet().length - e)), e; } }, 4713: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.determineTestTemplate = u, t.getDecisionTaker = o, t.getMaskTemplate = function(e, t, i, a, n) { var r = this, o = this.opts, c = this.maskset, f = o.greedy; n && o.greedy && (o.greedy = !1, r.maskset.tests = {}); t = t || 0; var p, h, v, m, g = [], k = 0; do { if (!0 === e && c.validPositions[k]) v = n && c.validPositions[k].match.optionality && void 0 === c.validPositions[k + 1] && (!0 === c.validPositions[k].generatedInput || c.validPositions[k].input == o.skipOptionalPartCharacter && k > 0) ? u.call(r, k, d.call(r, k, p, k - 1)) : c.validPositions[k], h = v.match, p = v.locator.slice(), g.push(!0 === i ? v.input : !1 === i ? h.nativeDef : l.call(r, k, h)); else { v = s.call(r, k, p, k - 1), h = v.match, p = v.locator.slice(); var y = !0 !== a && (!1 !== o.jitMasking ? o.jitMasking : h.jit); (m = (m && h.static && h.def !== o.groupSeparator && null === h.fn || c.validPositions[k - 1] && h.static && h.def !== o.groupSeparator && null === h.fn) && c.tests[k] && 1 === c.tests[k].length) || !1 === y || void 0 === y || "number" == typeof y && isFinite(y) && y > k ? g.push(!1 === i ? h.nativeDef : l.call(r, k, h)) : m = !1; } k++; } while (!0 !== h.static || "" !== h.def || t > k); "" === g[g.length - 1] && g.pop(); !1 === i && void 0 !== c.maskLength || (c.maskLength = k - 1); return o.greedy = f, g; }, t.getPlaceholder = l, t.getTest = c, t.getTestTemplate = s, t.getTests = d, t.isSubsetOf = f; var a, n = (a = i(2394)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }; function r(e, t) { var i = (null != e.alternation ? e.mloc[o(e)] : e.locator).join(""); if ("" !== i) for (;i.length < t; ) i += "0"; return i; } function o(e) { var t = e.locator[e.alternation]; return "string" == typeof t && t.length > 0 && (t = t.split(",")[0]), void 0 !== t ? t.toString() : ""; } function l(e, t, i) { var a = this.opts, n = this.maskset; if (void 0 !== (t = t || c.call(this, e).match).placeholder || !0 === i) return "function" == typeof t.placeholder ? t.placeholder(a) : t.placeholder; if (!0 === t.static) { if (e > -1 && void 0 === n.validPositions[e]) { var r, o = d.call(this, e), l = []; if (o.length > 1 + ("" === o[o.length - 1].match.def ? 1 : 0)) for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++) if ("" !== o[s].match.def && !0 !== o[s].match.optionality && !0 !== o[s].match.optionalQuantifier && (!0 === o[s].match.static || void 0 === r || !1 !== o[s].match.fn.test(r.match.def, n, e, !0, a)) && (l.push(o[s]), !0 === o[s].match.static && (r = o[s]), l.length > 1 && /[0-9a-bA-Z]/.test(l[0].match.def))) return a.placeholder.charAt(e % a.placeholder.length); } return t.def; } return a.placeholder.charAt(e % a.placeholder.length); } function s(e, t, i) { return this.maskset.validPositions[e] || u.call(this, e, d.call(this, e, t ? t.slice() : t, i)); } function u(e, t) { var i = this.opts, a = function(e, t) { var i = 0, a = !1; t.forEach((function(e) { e.match.optionality && (0 !== i && i !== e.match.optionality && (a = !0), (0 === i || i > e.match.optionality) && (i = e.match.optionality)); })), i && (0 == e || 1 == t.length ? i = 0 : a || (i = 0)); return i; }(e, t); e = e > 0 ? e - 1 : 0; var n, o, l, s = r(c.call(this, e)); i.greedy && t.length > 1 && "" === t[t.length - 1].match.def && t.pop(); for (var u = 0; u < t.length; u++) { var f = t[u]; n = r(f, s.length); var d = Math.abs(n - s); (void 0 === o || "" !== n && d < o || l && !i.greedy && l.match.optionality && l.match.optionality - a > 0 && "master" === l.match.newBlockMarker && (!f.match.optionality || f.match.optionality - a < 1 || !f.match.newBlockMarker) || l && !i.greedy && l.match.optionalQuantifier && !f.match.optionalQuantifier) && (o = d, l = f); } return l; } function c(e, t) { var i = this.maskset; return i.validPositions[e] ? i.validPositions[e] : (t || d.call(this, e))[0]; } function f(e, t, i) { function a(e) { for (var t, i = [], a = -1, n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if ("-" === e.charAt(n)) for (t = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); ++a < t; ) i.push(String.fromCharCode(a)); else a = e.charCodeAt(n), i.push(e.charAt(n)); return i.join(""); } return e.match.def === t.match.nativeDef || !(!(i.regex || e.match.fn instanceof RegExp && t.match.fn instanceof RegExp) || !0 === e.match.static || !0 === t.match.static) && -1 !== a(t.match.fn.toString().replace(/[[\]/]/g, "")).indexOf(a(e.match.fn.toString().replace(/[[\]/]/g, ""))); } function d(e, t, i) { var a, r, o = this, l = this.dependencyLib, s = this.maskset, c = this.opts, d = this.el, p = s.maskToken, h = t ? i : 0, v = t ? t.slice() : [ 0 ], m = [], g = !1, k = t ? t.join("") : ""; function y(t, i, r, o) { function l(r, o, u) { function p(e, t) { var i = 0 === t.matches.indexOf(e); return i || t.matches.every((function(a, n) { return !0 === a.isQuantifier ? i = p(e, t.matches[n - 1]) : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, "matches") && (i = p(e, a)), !i; })), i; } function v(e, t, i) { var a, n; if ((s.tests[e] || s.validPositions[e]) && (s.tests[e] || [ s.validPositions[e] ]).every((function(e, r) { if (e.mloc[t]) return a = e, !1; var o = void 0 !== i ? i : e.alternation, l = void 0 !== e.locator[o] ? e.locator[o].toString().indexOf(t) : -1; return (void 0 === n || l < n) && -1 !== l && (a = e, n = l), !0; })), a) { var r = a.locator[a.alternation]; return (a.mloc[t] || a.mloc[r] || a.locator).slice((void 0 !== i ? i : a.alternation) + 1); } return void 0 !== i ? v(e, t) : void 0; } function b(e, t) { var i = e.alternation, a = void 0 === t || i === t.alternation && -1 === e.locator[i].toString().indexOf(t.locator[i]); if (!a && i > t.alternation) for (var n = t.alternation; n < i; n++) if (e.locator[n] !== t.locator[n]) { i = n, a = !0; break; } if (a) { e.mloc = e.mloc || {}; var r = e.locator[i]; if (void 0 !== r) { if ("string" == typeof r && (r = r.split(",")[0]), void 0 === e.mloc[r] && (e.mloc[r] = e.locator.slice()), void 0 !== t) { for (var o in t.mloc) "string" == typeof o && (o = o.split(",")[0]), void 0 === e.mloc[o] && (e.mloc[o] = t.mloc[o]); e.locator[i] = Object.keys(e.mloc).join(","); } return !0; } e.alternation = void 0; } return !1; } function x(e, t) { if (e.locator.length !== t.locator.length) return !1; for (var i = e.alternation + 1; i < e.locator.length; i++) if (e.locator[i] !== t.locator[i]) return !1; return !0; } if (h > e + c._maxTestPos) throw "Inputmask: There is probably an error in your mask definition or in the code. Create an issue on github with an example of the mask you are using. " + s.mask; if (h === e && void 0 === r.matches) { if (m.push({ match: r, locator: o.reverse(), cd: k, mloc: {} }), !r.optionality || void 0 !== u || !(c.definitions && c.definitions[r.nativeDef] && c.definitions[r.nativeDef].optional || n.default.prototype.definitions[r.nativeDef] && n.default.prototype.definitions[r.nativeDef].optional)) return !0; g = !0, h = e; } else if (void 0 !== r.matches) { if (r.isGroup && u !== r) { if (r = l(t.matches[t.matches.indexOf(r) + 1], o, u)) return !0; } else if (r.isOptional) { var P = r, E = m.length; if (r = y(r, i, o, u)) { if (m.forEach((function(e, t) { t >= E && (e.match.optionality = e.match.optionality ? e.match.optionality + 1 : 1); })), a = m[m.length - 1].match, void 0 !== u || !p(a, P)) return !0; g = !0, h = e; } } else if (r.isAlternator) { var S, _ = r, w = [], M = m.slice(), O = o.length, T = !1, C = i.length > 0 ? i.shift() : -1; if (-1 === C || "string" == typeof C) { var A, D = h, j = i.slice(), B = []; if ("string" == typeof C) B = C.split(","); else for (A = 0; A < _.matches.length; A++) B.push(A.toString()); if (void 0 !== s.excludes[e]) { for (var R = B.slice(), L = 0, I = s.excludes[e].length; L < I; L++) { var F = s.excludes[e][L].toString().split(":"); o.length == F[1] && B.splice(B.indexOf(F[0]), 1); } 0 === B.length && (delete s.excludes[e], B = R); } (!0 === c.keepStatic || isFinite(parseInt(c.keepStatic)) && D >= c.keepStatic) && (B = B.slice(0, 1)); for (var N = 0; N < B.length; N++) { A = parseInt(B[N]), m = [], i = "string" == typeof C && v(h, A, O) || j.slice(); var V = _.matches[A]; if (V && l(V, [ A ].concat(o), u)) r = !0; else if (0 === N && (T = !0), V && V.matches && V.matches.length > _.matches[0].matches.length) break; S = m.slice(), h = D, m = []; for (var G = 0; G < S.length; G++) { var H = S[G], K = !1; H.match.jit = H.match.jit || T, H.alternation = H.alternation || O, b(H); for (var U = 0; U < w.length; U++) { var $ = w[U]; if ("string" != typeof C || void 0 !== H.alternation && B.includes(H.locator[H.alternation].toString())) { if (H.match.nativeDef === $.match.nativeDef) { K = !0, b($, H); break; } if (f(H, $, c)) { b(H, $) && (K = !0, w.splice(w.indexOf($), 0, H)); break; } if (f($, H, c)) { b($, H); break; } if (Z = $, !0 === (Q = H).match.static && !0 !== Z.match.static && Z.match.fn.test(Q.match.def, s, e, !1, c, !1)) { x(H, $) || void 0 !== d.inputmask.userOptions.keepStatic ? b(H, $) && (K = !0, w.splice(w.indexOf($), 0, H)) : c.keepStatic = !0; break; } } } K || w.push(H); } } m = M.concat(w), h = e, g = m.length > 0, r = w.length > 0, i = j.slice(); } else r = l(_.matches[C] || t.matches[C], [ C ].concat(o), u); if (r) return !0; } else if (r.isQuantifier && u !== t.matches[t.matches.indexOf(r) - 1]) for (var q = r, z = i.length > 0 ? i.shift() : 0; z < (isNaN(q.quantifier.max) ? z + 1 : q.quantifier.max) && h <= e; z++) { var W = t.matches[t.matches.indexOf(q) - 1]; if (r = l(W, [ z ].concat(o), W)) { if ((a = m[m.length - 1].match).optionalQuantifier = z >= q.quantifier.min, a.jit = (z + 1) * (W.matches.indexOf(a) + 1) > q.quantifier.jit, a.optionalQuantifier && p(a, W)) { g = !0, h = e; break; } return a.jit && (s.jitOffset[e] = W.matches.length - W.matches.indexOf(a)), !0; } } else if (r = y(r, i, o, u)) return !0; } else h++; var Q, Z; } for (var u = i.length > 0 ? i.shift() : 0; u < t.matches.length; u++) if (!0 !== t.matches[u].isQuantifier) { var p = l(t.matches[u], [ u ].concat(r), o); if (p && h === e) return p; if (h > e) break; } } if (e > -1) { if (void 0 === t) { for (var b, x = e - 1; void 0 === (b = s.validPositions[x] || s.tests[x]) && x > -1; ) x--; void 0 !== b && x > -1 && (v = function(e, t) { var i, a = []; return Array.isArray(t) || (t = [ t ]), t.length > 0 && (void 0 === t[0].alternation || !0 === c.keepStatic ? 0 === (a = u.call(o, e, t.slice()).locator.slice()).length && (a = t[0].locator.slice()) : t.forEach((function(e) { "" !== e.def && (0 === a.length ? (i = e.alternation, a = e.locator.slice()) : e.locator[i] && -1 === a[i].toString().indexOf(e.locator[i]) && (a[i] += "," + e.locator[i])); }))), a; }(x, b), k = v.join(""), h = x); } if (s.tests[e] && s.tests[e][0].cd === k) return s.tests[e]; for (var P = v.shift(); P < p.length; P++) { if (y(p[P], v, [ P ]) && h === e || h > e) break; } } return (0 === m.length || g) && m.push({ match: { fn: null, static: !0, optionality: !1, casing: null, def: "", placeholder: "" }, locator: [], mloc: {}, cd: k }), void 0 !== t && s.tests[e] ? r = l.extend(!0, [], m) : (s.tests[e] = l.extend(!0, [], m), r = s.tests[e]), m.forEach((function(e) { e.match.optionality = !1; })), r; } }, 7215: function(e, t, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.alternate = s, t.checkAlternationMatch = function(e, t, i) { for (var a, n = this.opts.greedy ? t : t.slice(0, 1), r = !1, o = void 0 !== i ? i.split(",") : [], l = 0; l < o.length; l++) -1 !== (a = e.indexOf(o[l])) && e.splice(a, 1); for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) if (n.includes(e[s])) { r = !0; break; } return r; }, t.handleRemove = function(e, t, i, a, l) { var u = this, c = this.maskset, f = this.opts; if ((f.numericInput || u.isRTL) && (t === r.default.BACKSPACE ? t = r.default.DELETE : t === r.default.DELETE && (t = r.default.BACKSPACE), u.isRTL)) { var d = i.end; i.end = i.begin, i.begin = d; } var p, h = o.getLastValidPosition.call(u, void 0, !0); i.end >= o.getBuffer.call(u).length && h >= i.end && (i.end = h + 1); t === r.default.BACKSPACE ? i.end - i.begin < 1 && (i.begin = o.seekPrevious.call(u, i.begin)) : t === r.default.DELETE && i.begin === i.end && (i.end = o.isMask.call(u, i.end, !0, !0) ? i.end + 1 : o.seekNext.call(u, i.end) + 1); if (!1 !== (p = m.call(u, i))) { if (!0 !== a && !1 !== f.keepStatic || null !== f.regex && -1 !== n.getTest.call(u, i.begin).match.def.indexOf("|")) { var v = s.call(u, !0); if (v) { var g = void 0 !== v.caret ? v.caret : v.pos ? o.seekNext.call(u, v.pos.begin ? v.pos.begin : v.pos) : o.getLastValidPosition.call(u, -1, !0); (t !== r.default.DELETE || i.begin > g) && i.begin; } } !0 !== a && (c.p = t === r.default.DELETE ? i.begin + p : i.begin, c.p = o.determineNewCaretPosition.call(u, { begin: c.p, end: c.p }, !1, !1 === f.insertMode && t === r.default.BACKSPACE ? "none" : void 0).begin); } }, t.isComplete = c, t.isSelection = f, t.isValid = d, t.refreshFromBuffer = h, t.revalidateMask = m; var a, n = i(4713), r = (a = i(5581)) && a.__esModule ? a : { default: a }, o = i(8711), l = i(6030); function s(e, t, i, a, r, l) { var u, c, f, p, h, v, m, g, k, y, b, x = this, P = this.dependencyLib, E = this.opts, S = x.maskset, _ = P.extend(!0, {}, S.validPositions), w = P.extend(!0, {}, S.tests), M = !1, O = !1, T = void 0 !== r ? r : o.getLastValidPosition.call(x); if (l && (y = l.begin, b = l.end, l.begin > l.end && (y = l.end, b = l.begin)), -1 === T && void 0 === r) u = 0, c = (p = n.getTest.call(x, u)).alternation; else for (;T >= 0; T--) if ((f = S.validPositions[T]) && void 0 !== f.alternation) { if (p && p.locator[f.alternation] !== f.locator[f.alternation]) break; u = T, c = S.validPositions[u].alternation, p = f; } if (void 0 !== c) { m = parseInt(u), S.excludes[m] = S.excludes[m] || [], !0 !== e && S.excludes[m].push((0, n.getDecisionTaker)(p) + ":" + p.alternation); var C = [], A = -1; for (h = m; h < o.getLastValidPosition.call(x, void 0, !0) + 1; h++) -1 === A && e <= h && void 0 !== t && (C.push(t), A = C.length - 1), (v = S.validPositions[h]) && !0 !== v.generatedInput && (void 0 === l || h < y || h >= b) && C.push(v.input), delete S.validPositions[h]; for (-1 === A && void 0 !== t && (C.push(t), A = C.length - 1); void 0 !== S.excludes[m] && S.excludes[m].length < 10; ) { for (S.tests = {}, o.resetMaskSet.call(x, !0), M = !0, h = 0; h < C.length && (g = M.caret || o.getLastValidPosition.call(x, void 0, !0) + 1, k = C[h], M = d.call(x, g, k, !1, a, !0)); h++) h === A && (O = M), 1 == e && M && (O = { caretPos: h }); if (M) break; if (o.resetMaskSet.call(x), p = n.getTest.call(x, m), S.validPositions = P.extend(!0, {}, _), S.tests = P.extend(!0, {}, w), !S.excludes[m]) { O = s.call(x, e, t, i, a, m - 1, l); break; } var D = (0, n.getDecisionTaker)(p); if (-1 !== S.excludes[m].indexOf(D + ":" + p.alternation)) { O = s.call(x, e, t, i, a, m - 1, l); break; } for (S.excludes[m].push(D + ":" + p.alternation), h = m; h < o.getLastValidPosition.call(x, void 0, !0) + 1; h++) delete S.validPositions[h]; } } return O && !1 === E.keepStatic || delete S.excludes[m], O; } function u(e, t, i) { var a = this.opts, n = this.maskset; switch (a.casing || t.casing) { case "upper": e = e.toUpperCase(); break; case "lower": e = e.toLowerCase(); break; case "title": var o = n.validPositions[i - 1]; e = 0 === i || o && o.input === String.fromCharCode(r.default.SPACE) ? e.toUpperCase() : e.toLowerCase(); break; default: if ("function" == typeof a.casing) { var l = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); l.push(n.validPositions), e = a.casing.apply(this, l); } } return e; } function c(e) { var t = this, i = this.opts, a = this.maskset; if ("function" == typeof i.isComplete) return i.isComplete(e, i); if ("*" !== i.repeat) { var r = !1, l = o.determineLastRequiredPosition.call(t, !0), s = o.seekPrevious.call(t, l.l); if (void 0 === l.def || l.def.newBlockMarker || l.def.optionality || l.def.optionalQuantifier) { r = !0; for (var u = 0; u <= s; u++) { var c = n.getTestTemplate.call(t, u).match; if (!0 !== c.static && void 0 === a.validPositions[u] && !0 !== c.optionality && !0 !== c.optionalQuantifier || !0 === c.static && e[u] !== n.getPlaceholder.call(t, u, c)) { r = !1; break; } } } return r; } } function f(e) { var t = this.opts.insertMode ? 0 : 1; return this.isRTL ? e.begin - e.end > t : e.end - e.begin > t; } function d(e, t, i, a, r, l, p) { var g = this, k = this.dependencyLib, y = this.opts, b = g.maskset; i = !0 === i; var x = e; function P(e) { if (void 0 !== e) { if (void 0 !== e.remove && (Array.isArray(e.remove) || (e.remove = [ e.remove ]), e.remove.sort((function(e, t) { return t.pos - e.pos; })).forEach((function(e) { m.call(g, { begin: e, end: e + 1 }); })), e.remove = void 0), void 0 !== e.insert && (Array.isArray(e.insert) || (e.insert = [ e.insert ]), e.insert.sort((function(e, t) { return e.pos - t.pos; })).forEach((function(e) { "" !== e.c && d.call(g, e.pos, e.c, void 0 === e.strict || e.strict, void 0 !== e.fromIsValid ? e.fromIsValid : a); })), e.insert = void 0), e.refreshFromBuffer && e.buffer) { var t = e.refreshFromBuffer; h.call(g, !0 === t ? t : t.start, t.end, e.buffer), e.refreshFromBuffer = void 0; } void 0 !== e.rewritePosition && (x = e.rewritePosition, e = !0); } return e; } function E(t, i, r) { var l = !1; return n.getTests.call(g, t).every((function(s, c) { var d = s.match; if (o.getBuffer.call(g, !0), !1 !== (l = (!d.jit || void 0 !== b.validPositions[o.seekPrevious.call(g, t)]) && (null != d.fn ? d.fn.test(i, b, t, r, y, f.call(g, e)) : (i === d.def || i === y.skipOptionalPartCharacter) && "" !== d.def && { c: n.getPlaceholder.call(g, t, d, !0) || d.def, pos: t }))) { var p = void 0 !== l.c ? l.c : i, h = t; return p = p === y.skipOptionalPartCharacter && !0 === d.static ? n.getPlaceholder.call(g, t, d, !0) || d.def : p, !0 !== (l = P(l)) && void 0 !== l.pos && l.pos !== t && (h = l.pos), !0 !== l && void 0 === l.pos && void 0 === l.c ? !1 : (!1 === m.call(g, e, k.extend({}, s, { input: u.call(g, p, d, h) }), a, h) && (l = !1), !1); } return !0; })), l; } void 0 !== e.begin && (x = g.isRTL ? e.end : e.begin); var S = !0, _ = k.extend(!0, {}, b.validPositions); if (!1 === y.keepStatic && void 0 !== b.excludes[x] && !0 !== r && !0 !== a) for (var w = x; w < (g.isRTL ? e.begin : e.end); w++) void 0 !== b.excludes[w] && (b.excludes[w] = void 0, delete b.tests[w]); if ("function" == typeof y.preValidation && !0 !== a && !0 !== l && (S = P(S = y.preValidation.call(g, o.getBuffer.call(g), x, t, f.call(g, e), y, b, e, i || r))), !0 === S) { if (S = E(x, t, i), (!i || !0 === a) && !1 === S && !0 !== l) { var M = b.validPositions[x]; if (!M || !0 !== M.match.static || M.match.def !== t && t !== y.skipOptionalPartCharacter) { if (y.insertMode || void 0 === b.validPositions[o.seekNext.call(g, x)] || e.end > x) { var O = !1; if (b.jitOffset[x] && void 0 === b.validPositions[o.seekNext.call(g, x)] && !1 !== (S = d.call(g, x + b.jitOffset[x], t, !0, !0)) && (!0 !== r && (S.caret = x), O = !0), e.end > x && (b.validPositions[x] = void 0), !O && !o.isMask.call(g, x, y.keepStatic && 0 === x)) for (var T = x + 1, C = o.seekNext.call(g, x, !1, 0 !== x); T <= C; T++) if (!1 !== (S = E(T, t, i))) { S = v.call(g, x, void 0 !== S.pos ? S.pos : T) || S, x = T; break; } } } else S = { caret: o.seekNext.call(g, x) }; } !1 !== S || !y.keepStatic || !c.call(g, o.getBuffer.call(g)) && 0 !== x || i || !0 === r ? f.call(g, e) && b.tests[x] && b.tests[x].length > 1 && y.keepStatic && !i && !0 !== r && (S = s.call(g, !0)) : S = s.call(g, x, t, i, a, void 0, e), !0 === S && (S = { pos: x }); } if ("function" == typeof y.postValidation && !0 !== a && !0 !== l) { var A = y.postValidation.call(g, o.getBuffer.call(g, !0), void 0 !== e.begin ? g.isRTL ? e.end : e.begin : e, t, S, y, b, i, p); void 0 !== A && (S = !0 === A ? S : A); } S && void 0 === S.pos && (S.pos = x), !1 === S || !0 === l ? (o.resetMaskSet.call(g, !0), b.validPositions = k.extend(!0, {}, _)) : v.call(g, void 0, x, !0); var D = P(S); void 0 !== g.maxLength && (o.getBuffer.call(g).length > g.maxLength && !a && (o.resetMaskSet.call(g, !0), b.validPositions = k.extend(!0, {}, _), D = !1)); return D; } function p(e, t, i) { for (var a = this.maskset, r = !1, o = n.getTests.call(this, e), l = 0; l < o.length; l++) { if (o[l].match && (o[l].match.nativeDef === t.match[i.shiftPositions ? "def" : "nativeDef"] && (!i.shiftPositions || !t.match.static) || o[l].match.nativeDef === t.match.nativeDef || i.regex && !o[l].match.static && o[l].match.fn.test(t.input))) { r = !0; break; } if (o[l].match && o[l].match.def === t.match.nativeDef) { r = void 0; break; } } return !1 === r && void 0 !== a.jitOffset[e] && (r = p.call(this, e + a.jitOffset[e], t, i)), r; } function h(e, t, i) { var a, n, r = this, s = this.maskset, u = this.opts, c = this.dependencyLib, f = u.skipOptionalPartCharacter, d = r.isRTL ? i.slice().reverse() : i; if (u.skipOptionalPartCharacter = "", !0 === e) o.resetMaskSet.call(r), s.tests = {}, e = 0, t = i.length, n = o.determineNewCaretPosition.call(r, { begin: 0, end: 0 }, !1).begin; else { for (a = e; a < t; a++) delete s.validPositions[a]; n = e; } var p = new c.Event("keypress"); for (a = e; a < t; a++) { p.keyCode = d[a].toString().charCodeAt(0), r.ignorable = !1; var h = l.EventHandlers.keypressEvent.call(r, p, !0, !1, !1, n); !1 !== h && void 0 !== h && (n = h.forwardPosition); } u.skipOptionalPartCharacter = f; } function v(e, t, i) { var a = this, r = this.maskset, l = this.dependencyLib; if (void 0 === e) for (e = t - 1; e > 0 && !r.validPositions[e]; e--) ; for (var s = e; s < t; s++) { if (void 0 === r.validPositions[s] && !o.isMask.call(a, s, !1)) if (0 == s ? n.getTest.call(a, s) : r.validPositions[s - 1]) { var u = n.getTests.call(a, s).slice(); "" === u[u.length - 1].match.def && u.pop(); var c, f = n.determineTestTemplate.call(a, s, u); if (f && (!0 !== f.match.jit || "master" === f.match.newBlockMarker && (c = r.validPositions[s + 1]) && !0 === c.match.optionalQuantifier) && ((f = l.extend({}, f, { input: n.getPlaceholder.call(a, s, f.match, !0) || f.match.def })).generatedInput = !0, m.call(a, s, f, !0), !0 !== i)) { var p = r.validPositions[t].input; return r.validPositions[t] = void 0, d.call(a, t, p, !0, !0); } } } } function m(e, t, i, a) { var r = this, l = this.maskset, s = this.opts, u = this.dependencyLib; function c(e, t, i) { var a = t[e]; if (void 0 !== a && !0 === a.match.static && !0 !== a.match.optionality && (void 0 === t[0] || void 0 === t[0].alternation)) { var n = i.begin <= e - 1 ? t[e - 1] && !0 === t[e - 1].match.static && t[e - 1] : t[e - 1], r = i.end > e + 1 ? t[e + 1] && !0 === t[e + 1].match.static && t[e + 1] : t[e + 1]; return n && r; } return !1; } var f = 0, h = void 0 !== e.begin ? e.begin : e, v = void 0 !== e.end ? e.end : e, m = !0; if (e.begin > e.end && (h = e.end, v = e.begin), a = void 0 !== a ? a : h, h !== v || s.insertMode && void 0 !== l.validPositions[a] && void 0 === i || void 0 === t || t.match.optionalQuantifier || t.match.optionality) { var g, k = u.extend(!0, {}, l.validPositions), y = o.getLastValidPosition.call(r, void 0, !0); for (l.p = h, g = y; g >= h; g--) delete l.validPositions[g], void 0 === t && delete l.tests[g + 1]; var b, x, P = a, E = P; for (t && (l.validPositions[a] = u.extend(!0, {}, t), E++, P++), g = t ? v : v - 1; g <= y; g++) { if (void 0 !== (b = k[g]) && !0 !== b.generatedInput && (g >= v || g >= h && c(g, k, { begin: h, end: v }))) { for (;"" !== n.getTest.call(r, E).match.def; ) { if (!1 !== (x = p.call(r, E, b, s)) || "+" === b.match.def) { "+" === b.match.def && o.getBuffer.call(r, !0); var S = d.call(r, E, b.input, "+" !== b.match.def, !0); if (m = !1 !== S, P = (S.pos || E) + 1, !m && x) break; } else m = !1; if (m) { void 0 === t && b.match.static && g === e.begin && f++; break; } if (!m && o.getBuffer.call(r), E > l.maskLength) break; E++; } "" == n.getTest.call(r, E).match.def && (m = !1), E = P; } if (!m) break; } if (!m) return l.validPositions = u.extend(!0, {}, k), o.resetMaskSet.call(r, !0), !1; } else t && n.getTest.call(r, a).match.cd === t.match.cd && (l.validPositions[a] = u.extend(!0, {}, t)); return o.resetMaskSet.call(r, !0), f; } }, 5581: function(e) { e.exports = JSON.parse('{"BACKSPACE":8,"BACKSPACE_SAFARI":127,"DELETE":46,"DOWN":40,"END":35,"ENTER":13,"ESCAPE":27,"HOME":36,"INSERT":45,"LEFT":37,"PAGE_DOWN":34,"PAGE_UP":33,"RIGHT":39,"SPACE":32,"TAB":9,"UP":38,"X":88,"Z":90,"CONTROL":17,"PAUSE/BREAK":19,"WINDOWS_LEFT":91,"WINDOWS_RIGHT":92,"KEY_229":229}'); } }, t = {}; function i(a) { var n = t[a]; if (void 0 !== n) return n.exports; var r = t[a] = { exports: {} }; return e[a](r, r.exports, i), r.exports; } var a = {}; return function() { var e, t = a; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0, i(3851), i(219), i(207), i(5296); var n = ((e = i(2394)) && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }).default; t.default = n; }(), a; }(); }));